Chapter 2

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Suspect #1. 

The Supervisor. 

My work boss, Kenny, was a pretty chill guy. Not necessarily the type to commit murder. But really, how much can you know about a person? Maybe he had the capacity to do that. I had my doubts though. Kenny liked me. 

He had started out as a Guest Service Coordinator just like me, but had worked his way up to the lead. Lead is a fancy word for department head. Not one to bother with too many meetings, he was a good boss. Hilton wanted us to train a lot. And by train I mean sit through endless videos and webinars. But Kenny would let us do work through those. I liked him. 

I knew he had a family and that they were trying for anther baby, he and his wife, but beyond that I didn't know much else about his personal life. He was a very chill and secretive guy. Right now he sat at his desk at work, waiting for the police detectives to show up. 

"Leilani....good lord. I can't believe you died that way."

They say you can talk to the dead and they will hear you from the grave or wherever dead people go. Be it heaven or hell or purgatory. Beliefs vary when it comes to this. But me...well, I am here still. And I can hear every word people are saying. It was true. 

Kenny seems sad. 

"If only I had asked you to come in earlier yesterday. Maybe..."

I instantly feel sad hearing his words. Another emotion I was capable of still. I didn't wish that on him. There was no reason to be sad for me, I was gone. There wasn't anything he could do about it now. 

"Tio! Come in here please."

Tio was my coworker. It was just the three of us in the Guest Service Coordinator office area. Kenny had a real office though, with a door and windows. 

They talk for a bit about what job duties they would both absorb, given my passing. It was again, weird. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought one day I'd just be gone. Not this young anyway. No more living. No more working. I just ceased to exist. 

"Eventually we will look to hire a replacement, but for now, we can manage her workload. I haven't answered guest complaints in years! It'll be fun."

I laugh. Fun? Kenny forgot most of the things guests say. For sure he forgot. Guests can be the most condescending, rude, judgmental people there are! Even the nice ones, they harbor deep seated anger over not enough towels and the lobby not having free snacks. It's surprisingly hard to think up new ways to pacify them. 

Why had I stayed at this job for so long? I ponder this as I watch Kenny flip open his screen to a travel site. He groaned audibly. Yep. He forgot how guests can be. 

"Leilani....good grief."


The two detectives show up again. Homicide duo for the Honolulu Police Department. I like them though, for some reason they invoke feelings of calm and authority. Maybe they would solve my murder soon. Then I could move on. To wherever my parents were. 

The thought flooded me with hope. 

Kenny appears to be cooperating. He offers the two men a seat across from him in his office and shuts the door. The detectives are void of emotion, only looking at Kenny and then they take notepads out. No facial expressions are evident to give away their inner thoughts. They could make a killing in any poker game. 

"I have no idea who could have done this. Leilani was liked here by everyone."

Detective one looks at detective two and then back at Kenny.

The Honolulu Murder Filesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें