Chapter 8

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Confronting someone's spouse about their whereabouts sounds like a straightforward task. Until it isn't. I'm not sure how the detectives are going to salvage this interview. 

"You can both go to hell. That is all I am saying...and I am not saying anything else!"

"Ma'am. Your husband gave us an alibi for where he was around 5:45 am but we need to know what time he left your house."

"Again. Go. To. Hell."

She is a tiny woman, only maybe 4 foot 9, and has a beautiful mane of long blond hair streaked with brown. It is clearly artificially colored but it works well on her. She has Kenny's son on her hip and he is staring at the detectives, thumbing his lip in the process. I don't understand why she is acting this way. It doesn't make sense.

"If we cannot verify his whereabouts then we will hold him for 24 hours. We can and will do that."

She sighs and steps aside, letting them in. 

Kenny's house is modest but they keep it nice. He lives in Honolulu, across the H-1 from the river. Multi-generations tend to live in homes here, often 3 generations in one tiny house. But it appears they are alone, just the three of them. 

"Is it just you three?"

Her face scrunches up and her jaw flexes. 

"Yes. Why?"

"Just wondering. It's got to be nice to just have you, your husband and child instead of in-laws as well."

"Well, his parents died and left us the place. What time do you need an alibi for?"

Detective Keele wasn't going to be rushed though. He obviously found her attitude to be odd and wanted to sus out why. I admired him for that. He had the experience that Jones lacked. 

"Is your marriage good?"

This infuriated Kenny's wife. She got very upset.

"Why the fuck do you need to know that? He didn't kill his employee, case closed."

"There is a reason why we are here. He is a suspect ma'am."

"He was home, ok. Home all night. Then he got up early and went to work."

"What time did he get up?"

"Jesus! I said early! Why are you both hounding me?! I know that he is cheating on me...I don't need reminded of it nor do I need to know details about it. I don't fucking care. I just want him to stay and take care of his family. We are expecting another kid."

If I could have choked on something this would have been the perfect moment to do it. Neither detective made a move, choosing instead to stare at Kenny's wife. It feels like a war of wits. 

"I saw the clock when he left. It was 4:30. Happy?"

4:30. That could have put him at my place. 

"Thank you ma'am. We appreciate your time. We will be in touch."

She gets up to let them out and grimaces.

"I fucking hope not."


"This feels like a spiders web with our victim in the center. Only each suspect is a different type of spider."

Detective Keele grunts and then chuckles. 

"That's the job."

He turns and enters H-1, driving towards a farther Honolulu exit. 

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