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It took 13 days to solve my murder. 

The number 13 is synonymous with death to ones self and birth to ones spirit. Without the hard work of the detectives and the video of an anonymous man, I'd still be hanging around Oahu, trying to figure out why I was stuck as a ghost. But now...I'll get to that in a minute. First, my heroes. 

Detective Keele is standing at the front of a police formation. He has a serious look on his face. I can tell he is about to receive something. 

"For your years of service to the Honolulu Police Department, we proudly present you with the order of the black badge. To commemorate your tireless work as the lead homicide detective in our department for over 22 years. Congratulations and we wish you the best on your retirement."

He was retiring! I couldn't be happier for him. 

"I want to thank you all...." Detective Keele chokes up trying to get the words out. "Thank you for all the years here on the job."

"You got it old man!" 

"We love you Keele!"

"Enjoy your retirement!" 

Voices drown him out as fellow officers jeer and shout well wishes. He was truly loved that is for sure. Not one person there stayed silent. I wonder if he had this big of an impact on the civilians he'd helped over the years. No doubt he did. 

 The speeches are over and he moves to join the crowd as they mingle around a table in the back of the room. There were more Teddy's Bigger Burgers than I had ever seen in my life! Stacks and stacks of burgers and trays of fries.

"Keele! You get Teddy's to give you this much food?! You lucky bastard!"

Detective Keele laughs and grabs a plate. 

"Naw man, the wife organized it. She is friends with the owner!"

He happily eats and mingles until he gets to detective Jones. They sit together at a table in silence. I can feel the emotions flowing between them. Being partners is a big deal, not just a working relationship but something more. They must become like family to each other. 

"Boss, I can't believe you retired. Less than a week since we solved the case..." 

"I know Jones. I know. It's like I told you earlier, it was time." He says. 

They take drinks of their sodas and detective Keele sighs. 

"I was impressed with your work, have been impressed. You are ready to take the lead. When I saw her fall on that video, then the dammed cat jump up, it was like a sign from God. I am done chasing leads and killing myself over cases. I want to enjoy the time I have left with my wife." 

He takes another drink. 

"Plus you are exactly what the homicide section needs. Young blood."

"Thanks boss. I'll hopefully do you proud. Don't disappear on me though. I'll want to call you for advice if I ever get in a jam."

Detective Keele laughs and slaps his former partner on the back playfully. 

"You won't have to look far. I'll be the old guy swimming at Waimea Bay. Can find me there."


"Do we call each other detective so and so? Or last names?" 

A new young detective is standing excitedly in the homicide room, having just gotten his assignment to work with detective Jones. He has been a cop for over ten years, but becoming a detective is a whole different job. 

"Call me boss." Detective Jones says, a steely, serious look on his face. 

"Oh, ok. Boss." 

Detective Jones stares for a good twenty seconds until he breaks out in a grin. 

"Your face man! I'm joking! We call each other by last names, just like you did on the beat. Nothings changed...except everyone else has to call us detective!" He teases. 

The younger detective sighs and grins. He'll get used to detective Jones's fun personality. It will make the job less stressful I wager. But they have a tough job indeed. Especially if another case comes along that is anything like mine was. 

"How does it feel? To be in charge now?" 

Detective Jones smiles, taking an eraser board marker in his hand. 

"Feels good man. The last few years working with Keele were phenomenal. I doubted myself a shit ton, but he pushed me through it. The more cases you work, the better off you'll be skill wise. It's not a race. We do each one right." 

"The last case you guys did....the young woman from the Hilton Hotel...." 

"Yeah, that was the hardest case we'd had. So many suspects. After that I knew this was the job for me. There couldn't be another. It has me hooked." He says. 

I'm glad that my case pushed him to stay in homicide. And accept a promotion. The department needs detectives like him. 

"But you actually kept the cat didn't you? The one who killed her?" 

Detective Jones laughs. 

"Yep. We adopted him. Best cat ever man." 

"He has a weird name right?" 

"Oh yeah....named after the best actor...Timothy Earl Jones." 


I know you want to know what happened to me after I saw my killer. I'll tell you...

Once I saw my beloved cat, the feelings of weirdness, of floating, increased. The world around me faded quickly and I transitioned. To where you might wonder? To the afterlife. I didn't grow up religious but I always believed there was someone orchestrating everything. Keeping the world together if you will. Turns out, that was true. 

I got to see my parents again. My past relatives that I never knew and their past relatives. It was indescribable, and I cannot do it justice. I live with them now, for all of eternity. And the best part? We can visit earth anytime we choose. We don't see other ghosts while there either, just like when I was 'stuck'. But we can pop in and out of the earthly realm and the heavenly. It's quite awesome. 

There are also no negative emotions now. I only feel peace. Which is great, even as I observe things on earth that seem bad, I know in the end, everything will work out. If only the living could understand that. 

Oh, and one more thing. I did finally get in the news. It took a while, but a week after they solved my murder, I was front page of the Honolulu Star Advertiser newspaper. And stories ran on local and national TV. The drug ring was exposed. Kima, Marcus, Lila and others involved were all going to be indicted and then face trials. The dark web sex ring was also exposed. My old professor was fired and charged, as was Rachel and her boyfriend. Mia was given a deal and likely wouldn't get charged. It was the biggest scandal in Honolulu history involving so many 'non criminal' citizens. 

And the title of the front page article? 

'The Honolulu Murder Files'. 

❤️🌴The End. ❤️🌴

Thank you dear readers for taking the time to check out my book. Your support means the world!! 

Upcoming Novella: 

A look into my life as I deployed in the US Army. A bit of humor, a bit of raw details. If you've ever wondered what that is like for a woman serving, do check it out! Coming in the next few months! 

~ This book is Copyrighted by K E Jennings and only available on Wattpad. if you are reading this on another site, it has been stolen without permission or monetary payment to the said author. ~

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