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Jungkook pov

With the initial hurdle cleared, we settle into a strange sort of rhythm over the next few weeks.

Jimin gave me a sizable allowance and let me loose to go shopping and hit up social events.

He made it clear that I should be seen around town, rubbing shoulders with other omegas in the elite circles.

Of course, he assumed I didn't know anyone in the upper class. Thankfully, my job has granted me all kinds of connections that are coming in handy when it comes to selling my new role.

Unfortunately, I've had to swear a few people to secrecy on pain of death, but most of them were all too willing to back me up.

I know Jimin would rather use money to buy silence, but I rely on an altogether different currency.


I've built up a sizable store of it over the years, and now I'm cashing in.

Let's be honest,it's really not that hard to get people on your side when you're taking them on shopping trips to expensive designer stores and treating them to omegas-only spa days and makeovers.

My little posse has started to make quite the splash on social media, and we're already making waves in the most elite circles.

The buzz from the initial rush of paparazzi and Jimin's anonymous tip obviously helped kickstart the rumor mill, but so far, nothing too terrible has popped up.

Despite initial outrage by hordes of single omegas across the city, most people have accepted our relationship and moved on, just like they always do when a celebrity crush winds up tying the knot.

That said, I am getting hate mail pretty regularly.

I've even got a small filing cabinet where I keep them organized according to their "threat level."

Jimin was worried at first, but I find it amusing. Whenever I'm in public, I'm surrounded by people I know will look out for me.

When I'm at the apartment, there's no way anyone can reach me. I'm as safe as I can possibly be.

To say I've already adapted to living in the lap of luxury would be an understatement.

When I drag myself out of bed every morning, Jimin has already left for the day.

He usually leaves me little notes like "don't drink the last of the milk"

or "please let the housekeeper in this time."

Today, however, there's nothing.

As sad as it sounds, I'm a little disappointed. His notes always give me a chuckle to get the day started.

Fishing my phone out of the pocket of my robe, I make my way back to my bedroom after breakfast.

I'm supposed to be meeting up with my crew at noon, and I don't want to keep them waiting.

I'm in the middle of typing up a text to Jimin when I reach the bathroom and absently reach out for the box of heat suppressants I keep on the counter top.

Living in such close quarters to an alpha, especially one who has been trying to get in my pants from day one, would never work if it wasn't for these magical little tablets.

My blind groping comes up empty, and I frown. Pulling my attention away from my phone, I look toward the counter.

The box isn't in its usual spot. In fact, it's nowhere on the counter.

ESCORT || JIKOOK ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora