--=Many Questions=--

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(Scarlet's POV)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scarlet woke up, stretching and yawning, as she got up. She didn't even bother to lay down in her bed for a few more minutes. There was much to get through today. Burn was supposed to arrive some time in the next few days, and she wanted to be sure that everything was ready. After all, it wasn't everyday that the future Queen of the Sandwings was invited into her kingdom. Especially to celebrate her hatching day, which was a few days away.

Not to mention, I have the infamous Dragonets of Destiny... She thought to herself, as she gave an evil grin. She was excited to how they would perform in the arena. 

Especially the Nightwing... I would love to see how he fights. Nightwings can supposedly read minds and predict the future... She thought, as she strolled out of her chamber, having already equipped her gold accessories. However, there was something she couldn't get off her mind. It was regarding the talking Scavenger whom she had captured the previous day. No matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn't get it out of her head.

Should I just give it to Burn? Burn would like that... A talking Scavenger would be something she would love to add to her collection of stuffed horrors... Just like that stunted Sandwing...

Emerging onto a balcony, she stared out into the arena below, before raising her eyes to the huge stone pillars which towered above. The sun had already risen high into the sky, and there was a gentle breeze across the mountains.  Somewhere on one of those pillars was the Scavenger. Trapped with no way down. She smirked, looking forward to the day already. A day full of arena battles, excitement, and entertainment. 

Walking back inside She, walked through the palace, before she strode into her throne room, still thinking. The Guards bowed to her as she passed, instantly standing to attention. As she sat down on her throne. 

A smile spread slowly across her face, as she thought. I think I know exactly what I can do before Burn arrives... 

She turned to one of her guards. Round up our newest prisoners; The Dragonets of Destiny, and bring them here. I think I want to have a little chat with them..."

 Before the guard could turn away, she suddenly spoke once more out loud, without thinking. 

"Also, bring the Scavenger. The one that was put up on the pillars." She ordered. The guard bowed, before strolling off to give the orders, although, still looking slightly perplexed to why Scarlet had asked for the Scavenger...

Scarlet sank comfortably back into her throne, still smiling evilly. It was time the Dragonets, and the Scavenger learnt their fate... This was going to be fun...


You woke up slowly, from a surprisingly comfortable sleep. Other than the fact that just about your entire body hurt from lying on the stone ground the entire night, but what was even stranger, was that you felt surprisingly warm, and snug. Not to mention your head felt like it was resting on something that did not feel like the cold stony ground of the platform you had fallen asleep on. 

After a lot of trying, you managed to convince your eyes to open, only to be met by many colors of blue. You groaned as you rubbed your eyes, as you cleared you vision, only to find that the many colors of blue belonged to... scales? 

You sat up quickly, jolted awake by this discovery. Tsunami's tail coils that were wrapped around you body fell away, as you stood up, only to feel dizzy from the sudden movement. Your sore joints screamed in protest as you made another attempt to stand up. After your dizziness disappeared, you turned to Tsunami, who appeared to still be sleeping. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat