--=A New Friend=--

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Peril looked at you...

You looked at Peril...

It felt like for hours as you and Peril stared at each other. Her super-heated scales casting a warm but eerie glow across the platform. Her sky-blue gaze focused on you. It seemed to be impossible to read her expression. Yours was one of fear. That was obvious. After all, what could one of the most murderous Dragons in the Skywing Kingdom, (apart from Scarlet), want with you? You already had an idea, and it wasn't making you any less nervous. 

Finally, Peril was the first to break the icy silence. 

"Speak." She said, looking down at you, her expression unchanging. 

A few more seconds past.

"I said... Speak! I heard you speak before. Perfectly. I know I'm not crazy. I can't be. I heard you! Please! Clay told me!" She demanded, an edge of desperation in her voice. 

"That's because you are crazy! W-Wait! Clay!? What do you know about Clay! Have you been visiting him? Tell me, is he alright?!" A loud voice called from over the edge. It was Tsunami. She was clearly listening in on what was going on above. 

Peril, obviously, ignored her, as she focused her attention back on you. Still cowering a safe distance away. There was no way you were going near her. Especially after what she had already done to countless Dragons, and maybe even other Humans. Scarlet did put Scavengers to fight in her arena. That you could remember.  

Peril took a step towards you. Her fiery orange scales glimmering in the rising moonlight. 

"Scavenger, I'm warning you. If you don't prove you can speak, I'll, I'll... Burn you to a crisp. If it can even understand me." She said, muttering the last part under her breath. 

"Wait! No! Don't Do that! Don't you dare hurt that Scavenger!" Tsunami snarled furiously, as she started kicking and squirming.

 You looked over the edge down at her. She had started struggling furiously again, only this time, she was attempting to pull herself back up the chains to the platform and was obviously not very successful in the process. Some of the other Dragons on other pillars took notice as the chains that connected them to the Seawing began once more tugging, but luckily it wasn't enough to pull everyone down. Peril looked down at her and snorted. 

"What is your issue? It's just a Scavenger. Why are you being so protective of it? It clearly can't talk." She added, sounding slightly dejected.

"I was stupid to think overwise. This was clearly a waste of my time. Honestly, you've had it up here with you for so long, and you still haven't eaten it. I suppose if you're not, I will. It's been a while since I've eaten something apart from those black rocks."

She reached out for you, moving closer. At this moment, you realized you had to say something. You were terrified, but you had to. You had survived this long, and there was no way you were going to get eaten now. If you aren't burnt to ash before she can take a bite that is.

"W-Wait! Wait! It's true! It's true! I can speak! Listen! Don't kill me please!" You shouted at her, trying to move away at the same time. Peril stopped. Her ears flickered a few times, before she started down at you in the exact expression you had expected. Her doubtful expression now replaced with a shocked one. 


Peril reached out towards the Scavenger. She needed to be quick. Afterall, she wouldn't have long to hold it before it burned to ash, so she would simply have to eat it as quickly as possible. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora