• Three

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Her eyes widened liked saucers darting across the room looking for a place to sink into.

Sir Arthur gave the attendant a little nod urging him to let the General in. Kimberly had never thought her end would have been this near.

She had just barely gotten away from the knights and here was her father. With no where to hide, she waited for what was to come.

Firm and rigid footsteps came in a minute later and stood before them. Kimberly felt like she was about to pass out.

"Sir Arthur, you have a guest!" Her father's voice sounded shocked. Kimberly didn't have time to figure out why as she was barely breathing, holding back her breath as she interestingly stared at her lap.

How she wished for Sir Arthur not to bring up of the little incident at the mountains or even for her father not to recognize her.

She had her fingers crossed , something she often did when she wished for luck. Well, it never worked to her advantage. She always got unlucky and today was no exception. For which parent couldn't recognize their own child?

"Kimberly! What are you doing here?" Lord Heather asked his daughter with a stern voice.

It was quiet, a pin drop silence filling the room and she wished for the ground to split open and swallow her right now.

There was no way she was going to say that she had been collecting herbs not when she was supposed to be attending her dance lessons at the moment.

Kimberly lifted her head to meet her father's eyes and struggled to form any words. She was tongue tied.

Lord Heather stared back at the two inquisitively waiting for a response. "Sir Arthur, what business do you have with her?" He asked authoritatively with his General command.

Things were about to get out of hand and Kimberly opened her mouth to respond just to spew a few lies but Sir Arthur bet her to it.

"She wanted directions to get to the coliseum," He answered smoothly as he looked into her eyes. Kimberly's eyes widened a fraction as she stared at him and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Then excuse us for a moment," her father spoke, making her break eye contact, as he walked out of the room expecting her to follow him out.

Kimberly had never been so grateful of anyone until now. She rose up from the comfy mahogany cushioned seat thanking Sir Arthur silently with her eyes before walking out.

This day was really getting too eventful. How her father was already back from the East was beyond her.

Did that mean that her mother was already back too? Kimberly ran her hands over her face a dejected sigh escaping her. She now not only had to face Madame Paula but also her parents.

"Are you really here to visit the coliseum? You're supposed to be practicing right now!" Lord Heather questioned seeming somewhat unconvinced.

Lord Heather found it hard not to believe his loyal subject. He had trained Sir Arthur for a longer time thus he knew him better than most people. He was an obedient, quiet yet hardworking man earning him the rank of the head knight despite his young age.

The man was principled and honest as far as Lord Heather knew. He therefore had a hard time trying to decipher who was lying.

Knowing his daughter and how Kimberly despised art especially the musicals, he stood conflicted for a moment as Kimberly fumbled with the buttons on her arm hoping her father wouldn't catch on her lie.

She tended to do that when she was nervous or probably lying just as she was at the moment.

"Well then, you can go but remember there's a royal ball soon and you have to sharpen your moves since you will be attending." Her father dismissed her as he walked back into the room they had previously come out of.

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