• Seventeen

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So that was why she was glowing.

Kim smiled coyly turning her horse so that they left for this errand.

Faye slowly turned hers too following closely behind.

"You know he's probably not home," Kim began breaking the silence.

"Who?" Faye asked back making her horse move slower so she wasn't close to Kim's line of sight.

"Mmm, I also wonder who made you dress this elegantly for an errand." Kim snorted and halted waiting for Faye to catch up.

"But-" Faye started to make an excuse before Kim disrupted her. "All scholars are currently in the palace."

"Yes, I know that and-" Faye tried to explain but Kim interjected once more. "So you know whom we were talking of."

Faye swung her head to the opposite direction having been caught on her own words. "Umm, the sky is getting darker." She finally breathed out evading the conversation.

Kimberly glanced up and indeed some dark clouds were already gathering and the sun was just about to get covered by them. A heavy downpour was bound to, in no time.

"Faster!" The ladies hastened their horses to run faster their previous talk forgotten. If they didn't manage to get home first, they would be totally drenched since there was no other stop over.

The errand would have to wait.

The dark grey mass in the sky spread so quickly that even before they got anywhere, the land became darker and the sun was entirely blocked. The horses stopped first releasing a terrifying sound and the girls screeched holding on tightly.

It went completely dark and they looked at each other with perplexed expressions.

"What is happening?" Faye asked first her heartbeat increasing tenfold. The clouds had covered everywhere yet no rain came. That was something she had never seen and she worriedly looked at Kim.

"I think this is an eclipse," Kim explained remembering she once read about such a thing on a certain book she never recalled the title.

"What is that!" Faye queried her lips wobbling in worry having never heard of such a thing.

"It's a natural occurrence where the sun ,the earth and the moon are in phase, the moon in-between them thus the sun's rays are blocked from reaching us."

Faye listened carefully at all the information Kim was explaining about not even shocked that she knew such a thing.

"So there's nothing alarming in this?" Faye asked still concerned.

"Yes, it's just a solar eclipse." Kimberly replied as she looked at her surroundings. She didn't know how long it was going to take before things got clearer.

Camping here was not an option, the bushy thicket made a chill run down her spine, so they had to move on.

"We should keep moving," Kim urged as she led Zaine forward.

"But we can hardly see," Faye exclaimed not moving an inch.

"This place is creepy, let's look for a better place." Kim argued and Faye agreed half-heartedly following. It was the only better alternative.

She followed even when none of them saw where they were headed. They could only hope that their horses led them in the right direction.

A yawn escaped Kim after the horses had slowed down and began to move much slower. She couldn't tell what time it was but they had moved for a while.

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