• Four

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The market place was noisier than ever.

Sellers screamed out all over the place shouting so that their goods would get more buyers. Each one of them sugarcoated their words, something that helped them sell more.

The buyers were mostly confused at all the products on display knowing not of what product was best amongst all.

A few children wandered around too as they eyed the lovely sweets that a stern looking man sat by the street selling.

Lady Kimberly watched all this from her carriage as they headed towards Susa, a small town ahead.

The market was lively and Kimberly wished to jump out and join the fun. She craned her neck some more to get a better view of what was happening.

A heavy tap on her arm made her straighten her back and smoothen her dress. She glanced ahead not wanting to look at Madame Paula beside her.

Kimberly knew she would begin her lecturing soon. A lady was not supposed to slouch, eavesdrop on conversations, look at an official worse even look  in the eye. She knew all that and she never adhered to any.

Kimberly lived a carefree life doing things as she pleased. She didn't feel the need to follow instructions since they bound her from being herself.

That's why she always crossed paths with Madame Paula each time they were near each other. Just like now.

"Do not peak your head out!" Madame Paula rebuked as she glanced at her side.

Kimberly maintained a straight face only looking ahead now. This was going to be a long journey if she wasn't even supposed to glance outside.

They were to meet a seamstress in Susa who was supposed to prepare Kimberly's dress for the royal ball that was nearly approaching.

After escaping narrowly from her father at the palace, everyone in their home now thought that she had changed into an obedient girl who would not cause any more trouble.

The royal ball was something she was already dreading because she had not yet learned how to dance perfectly. She was nowhere near perfect.

Just before she went to bed, Kimberly would sneak into Faye's room to practice on some moves. Well, this didn't seem to be working since she ended up crashing on the floor bringing Faye down with her.

Thus as days went by and the ball approached, Kimberly grew more restless than ever. Even her Friday lessons didn't seem to help.

She didn't want to embarrass her parents especially after the efforts they had put in to make sure she learned. But then was it her fault that her legs and body never seemed to coordinate?

The carriage came to a halt and the coachman helped them out. The town was less noisy than the market place and everyone here based on their dressing was from a higher social status.

Madame Paula led her across the pavements as Kimberly looked around trying not to bump into anyone as she passed.

Kimberly found the people here not as appealing as those at the market place. People here were more reserved and did not shout out their goods. Maybe it was because they were so sure that a noble would come by and leave a huge tip.

"Fancy seeing you here, Paula!" A loud screeching voice sounded just a few feet before them. Kimberly jumped slightly rubbing her ears.

Lady Deen, a well known aristocrat, stood before them with Talia, her daughter, beside her. Of all the times, Kimberly didn't want to meet them now.

She wasn't in good terms with Talia and Lady Deen was no different. Well, most people didn't like her anyway.

Madame Paula and Lady Deen were friends and whatever their friendship consisted of Kimberly didn't want to know.

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