♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°

Lia dropped me at home after picking me up from work and let me get ready. She was taking me out for dinner tonight then we were spending the weekend at her place.
"Hey love," my sister, Annie, said as I walked into the kitchen. I set my bag on the chair beside her and leaned over to kiss her cheek as my hello. After such a long day at work, my social battery was drained and as much as I wanted dinner with Lia, I wanted my bed just as much. Or her bed- or breasts. I loved drinking her milk when little and right now, that was all I wanted. I tried hinting in the car on the way home but she was so excited about tonight's meal that I think she overlooked it. 
It wasn't a big deal though. She had some important news for me tonight and she wanted to make it this big special thing. 
"When is Lia coming to get you?" 
"At 730," I replied, looking over her shoulder. She had an assignement open and it all looked like complete confusion. Whilst I got the wordy brain, she got the number brain. She was currently completing her masters degree in mathematics and statistics. It confused the crap out of me.
"Alright, when will you be home?" She asked me, sipping her iced coffee- she lived off that stuff. 
"After work monday," I smirked. She rolled her eyes playfully but nodded. 
"Alright," I giggled and picked my bag back up again. 
"Alrighttt," she smirked back at me as I headed away from the kitchen. 
"Alrighty," I shouted through the house and headed into my bedroom. I heard her laugh slightly as I shut my door. I loved Annie. She was my best friend, my sister. She was four years older than me, at 25, but she had always, always been there for me. No matter what we went through, she always had my back and I was forever greatful for her. She moved me from dad's house to her house as soon as she could and got me my job. I was hopefully starting a degree in English Literature in September at Edinburgh university, all thanks to her. 

I climbed out of the shower feeling a lot more refreshed. I looked through my wardrobe for a nice dress but sighed seeing the state it was in. I had cute outfits and that was it. I didn't have any sexy dresses or even suitable dresses. I groaned and debated going to ask Annabelle. I knew she had nice dresses but whether or not they'd fit me, that was another issue. I wrapped my dressing gown around me and slid on my fluffy slippers before slipping out of my bedroom. I headed down the stairs to see her sat at the island, my girlfriend sat opposite her. I stopped dead in my tracks and Annie smiled widely at me. Lia spun on her chair and beamed too. 
"Going like that?" she chuckled, looking me up and down. I blushed deep red, my hair was soaking wet, I was naked under the gown, I hadn't moisturized and I didn't have makeup on. 
"What do you need, buttercup?" Annie asked me. 
"A dress." I choked out. 
"You have dresses, baby," Lia said, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. 
"Not any nice ones!" I whined a little. I felt extremely small now. I just wanted to ask for a dress to wear and I didn't know she would be here yet. 
"Kennedy, you expect me to have nice dresses?" Annie asked me, coming around the island and walking over to me.
"I know you have nice ones!" I huffed, stomping my foot a little. I wanted a dress and I was embarrassed and I wanted my mama's milk. She was dressed in a suit that hugged her curves. I walked over to her and she opened one arm for me. 
"I don't have any nice ones that will fit you, love. You're teeny, tiny compared to me," Annabelle held up her hands, close together when talking to me. She knew I was slipping. She knew all about me slipping. 
"Do you want me to help you pick an outfit, darling?" Lia asked, putting some hair behind my ear. I nodded gently and put my head on her shoulder. She kissed my temple before taking my hand. "Lead the way." 

She'd never been in my bedroom before.  This made me extremely nervous. Since I lived with my sister, whenever we wanted private time, we'd go to her house! She lived alone, if you know what I mean. Whenever at my house, we hung out with Annie. Annie adored Lia- what I loved about their relationship is that Annie had absolutely no idea who Lia was when I brought her home and we didn't tell her for a good few weeks. It didn't change anything, even when Annie googled her. I appreciated that more than anything because it meant the one person whose opinion means the world to me, approves of my girlfriend for who she is as a person, not her status in society. 
"Damn baby," Lia mumbled as I walked into my bedroom. My bedroom was my safe haven. I had a bookshelf, floor to ceiling, wall to wall of books. I had a cozy corner with a big cozy rocking chair, my stuffies, blankets, pillows and it had a canopy from the ceiling over it which had fairy lights. My bed was perfectly made and sat in the corner, also covered in blanekts and stuffies though. I had book stacks all over my room, even in my wardrobe, under my bed, behind my door. Apart from my towel laying on my floor by my wardrobe which was wide open- there wasn't one thing out of place. I blushed and walked over to my wardrobe. I grabbed some underwear and let my gown fall to the floor before pulling the underwear on. 
"If I knew your bedroom was this tidy, I'd have cleaned mine a little more," she said, inspecting the things around my bedroom. She stood in the cozy corner and looked at my stuffies. "I didn't know you had this many friends!" She giggled, holding one up and showing me. They all sat on their little bean bag- there was around 12 in that corner. I had around 8 on my bed. I pointed to a basket by my wardrobe which was once a laundry basket, now a stuffie basket. She laughed and held the top on up- it was a squishmallow. "Do they all have names?" She asked. 
"Of course," I giggled, blushing. I'd been little with her countless of times but it still got me all embarrassed when I could feel myself slipping. She could see it too. 

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