♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒

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°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°.

Back in the hotel room, I sighed and laid on my bed- Addie was still stuck to us. I just wanted quality time with my girlfriend and mama. I wasn't confident in my little self so I knew that I wouldn't be able to properly slip and be myself with her here- no matter how much Lia encouraged it. She was doing so now, watching me from the other side of the room. I rolled over so she couldn't see my face and picked up my book. 

Not even ten minutes later, Addie had left and Lia slid into bed behind me. She curled up at my side, spooning me and kissed behind my ear softly. 
"Hi," she muttered, kissing me more. I sighed, was that all she wanted? 
"Did you kick Addie out just so we could have sex?" I asked, my tone was a bit harsher than I expected but I was frustrated. 
"Not at all," she told me, matter of factly. She stopped kissing me and sat up on one of her elbows. I rolled my eyes slightly but she leaned over and closed the book in my hands. I sighed, not resposning. 
"What's up with you? You're never like this baby," she asked sincerly. I looked at her and shrugged slightly. "You do know. You can talk to me love, please." 
"Addie hasn't left us since we got here and- and I don't want to be little with a stranger around," I explained quickly, covering my face. She took hold of my hand and it moved it away from my face. I expected her to be somewhat upset but she wasn't. Her face was nothing but concern. 
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't even think about it like that," she said and took me into her arms. 
"It's not your fault, just my head and stuff. She's nice bu- but I'm just shy," I whispered into her chest. 
"I get that love, I'll let you be more private now," she chuckeld and ran her fingers through my hair. 
"Thank you." 

Half an hour later and I had a pull up and dinosaur onesie on, sat on the bed colouring my pictures. We had pizza coming and cartoons on the hotel TV. Lia was sat beside me, on her laptop and every now and then I showed her my pictures, wanting her to be proud. I could let go now, be myself. 

°˖✧✿✧˖° lia °˖✧✿✧˖°

Watching Kennedy colour was the cutest most surreal thing in the world. She was the softest baba and I just couldn't fathom that she was mine. I felt bad that I'd had Addie around so much and I'd sent Addie a text just explaining that Kennedy needs that private time with me to slip, she completely understood, having a little herself. Addie's little, Blair, was a cheeky little thing. I'd met her a few times, before I got with Kennedy and she was a little minx. She was lovely, don't get me wrong but she was a cheeky firecracker. There wasn't one shy bone in that girls body, especially when little. I knew that she'd contrast Kennedy so much and I was a little nervous about them meeting. It wasn't for a few weeks yet, Blair was on her holiday with her friends at the minute but she will be joining us as soon as she's back. Kennedy didn't even know she existed yet. 

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I jumped off the bed and Kennedy did her little bounces, getting excited. She began packing her things away without me even asking her to and I went to the door. 
"Thank you!" I said to the delivery man. I took it over to the little table we had in the bedroom and Kennedy came walking over, bunny in her arms. I ripped the pizza box and put half of it in front of her. I gave her a handful of chips and she smiled up at me with her cheesy grin. She was the cutest. 
"Fanx mama," she giggled and took the biggest piece of pizza. She tilted her head back and dropped the corner into her mouth, taking the biggest bite she could before ripping it away. Instantly, a string of cheese stuck to her chin and her fingertips were covered in tomoato ketchup, including her mouth too- goodness me. I sat down and began eating my pizza. I watched as Kennedy contiued to get it all over her face. She was the absolute cutest. 
"Mama, what you want?" she asked, sticking her tongue out at me. 
"You're messy," I chuckled. She just giggled and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand which she then wiped on her onesie! I gasped and shook my head, I didn't bring that many with us, well she doesn't even have that many! She couldn't sleep in that now. 

Once my pizza was finished, I managed to find a baby wipe. I crept up behind her and tackled her messy face. She squealed and tried to get away but obviously mama was stronger. I wiped it and then kissed her head as I stepped away to see how much I actually wiped. Practically all of it. 
"Mammmma," she whined instantly, crossing her arms in protest and I just chuckled. 
"We need to get your dirty clothes off you too!" I gasped, pointing at the tomato covered onesie. She looked down at herself and giggled loudly. She raised her arms and I picked her up. I wasn't able to unclip the onesie from where she was sat. I put her on the bed and unclipped it before pulling it off her head. She giggled as I pulled funny faces at her and stuck her tongue out back at me. I went to her case and got out another one of her onesies. She pointed at it as I brought it over. 
"Duckies!" She told me, her eyes lighting up. 
"Duckies indeed!" I smiled and moved it. I put it over her head and helped her slide her arms in. 
"Mama," she mumbled once it was on and clipped up. 
"Yes my love?" 
"We read book gefer?" she asked me sweetly, crawling to the other side of the bed where my book lay. She held it out to me. 
"Ooh let's see where are you up to?" I opened it to her bookmarked page and ran my eyes over it. This was one of my favourite parts. 
"Lets go brush your teethies and go to the toilet first princess then we can snuggle up and read, yeah?" I suggested, putting down the book. I held out my hand to help her off the bed. She nodded sweetly and took my hand. Together, we walked to the bathroom. She stood, with her hands curled over the front of the sink, waiting for me to put the toothpaste on her toothbrush. 

"Open wide munchkin!" I cheered and held the toothbrush infront of her. She opened her mouth and let me brush her back teeth. Once they were clean I told her to cheese. She squeezed her eyes shut and gave me her flashing smile. I couldn't help but giggle. I carried on brushing her teeth though, making sure I got everywhere before I helped her rinse her mouth out. 
"Right, over here as well!" I said by the toilet, she came over and I unclipped her onesie and pulled down her pull up. She practically hopped on the toilet and we waited for her to pee. 
"I no think I gon to," she sighed, looking at me after a few moments. 
"Don't feel anything?" I asked. She shook her head and sighed. 
"That's alright baby, you tried! Let's get you dressed and we can go to bed!" I said. She got off the toilet and I pulled her pull up back up and clipped her onesie around it. I took her hand again and we walked back to bed. She got under the covers and I chuckled- the bed engulfed her completely. I quickly got undressed and slid into bed beside her. She wrapped her little arms around me and nuzzled her head into my chest. She latched onto my nipple as I began reading. When we read, she didn't cover her face as she liked to see the book and I appreciated that. She looked overly cute nursing and it just made my heart swell. 

I had to protect my little one at all costs and if that meant kicking my best friend out of the hotel room once or twice then so be it! 

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