The Morning

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Recap time(spoilers for the end of season 3!)

"Ahhhhhhh what just happened?" Nishikata was face down on the couch as he struggled to grasp what just happened. He had chased down Takagi(who was in a car BTW) for several kilometers before she had stopped and turned around. Then the two of t-them shared a moment.... but after Takagi told Nishikata her feelings of him coming to her. They ran out of wind of their sails. After an awkward moment. Takagi offered to walk with him to the bus, as Takagi had left hers in order to talk to him.

There is many ways to interpret the ending but for me, initial I thought Nishikita gave the chocolate to her as a well to repay her for what she's done for him. Not really as a romantic gesture, but he as a symbolic and kind gift. Plus partially from Hamaguichi's egging. And Nishikita's too dense to fully realise what he did so for this book, the white day gift serves a stepping stone for their relationship. But the status quo shall remain.

Important: This is going to a SLOW BURN, if you wanted quick progress, this is not the book. This book is going to focus on plot and romantic progression. Little drama, few out of character moments. That's what this book is going to focus on. This book would be written more in a style fusing the manga and anime. So some chapters would be written in style of something in the manga, others would be like the anime, so both fans can enjoy, or fans of both. anyways ciao

End of Recap

They barely talked on the walk back. Until Takagi offered again if he would want to walk to the shrine with her.

"Ah! Well I don't know if I should but....."

"I know you want to right?" Takagi teased as she leaned in closer

"Oh no it's not like that! What are you talking about!? I just want to kill time.. so yeah I will go! Yeah okay!" Nishikata rubbed his back in embarrassment.

"Ok how bout tomorrow?"


Nishikata opened the door to his room and went inside, he wondered

"(Ah I wonder if Takagi likes me like that)?" The question kept on reaping in his head. He smacked himself lightly on his forehead

"(No She CAN'T LIKE ME! There is no way! Right?)" He sat down on his bed as an idea popped in his head.


Nishikata confidently walked to the entrance of the shrine. "Boo!" Takagi suddenly bumped his shoulder for behind the gate.

"ahh you scared me Takagi" Nishikata faked ignorance.

(Something is up....) Takagi noted.

(I can tell when he has something up in his sleeve.) Takagi slowly walked alongside Nishikata

The two friends made it to the shrines step

"Hey Takagi? Since we are here... How bout we play a game!?" Nishikata was bristling with excitement

"Sure ok!" Takagi replied

" (Ah...I wanted to do something else with him)" She quietly admitted to herself

"Let's play 21(One who counts to 21 first loses, both take turns and can only maximum count 3 at a time)

Except there is a twist! First to make it up the steps of the shrine wins and how many numbers you count will dictate how many steps you take!" Nishikawa was proud of this idea as he had a huge advantage if he went first. (IF Takagi tries counting three at a time, as long as I go first, I win!



"(3t ,6n ,9t, 12n, 15t, 18n, 21t)!" He thought to himself

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