Cold and Blue in Edinburgh 🧅

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"I think we're in the wrong place. I mean I knew it would be cold in Edinburgh at this time of year but I didn't think it would be this cold." Natasha rambled. "I think Wanda would like it here, it's quiet and we almost never get recognized. Why did we even leave the hotel at 5 am to lay on the grass? We should've stayed in bed don't you think? We're here freezing our ass off while her and Vision are at some island with a beach at their disposal. Can Vis even swim without short circuiting or something? Are you even listening?" Natasha glanced at the woman seemingly asleep on her lap.

"I promise I'm listening, I'm just resting my eyes."

"Oh I'm sorry for disturbing your rest that you can also do in our room with the heater on and there's drinks." Natasha snarked and flicked the woman's forehead.

Y/N chuckled and sat up. "Aw you're cold, honey?" She grinned and tapped the now blonde redhead's red nose.

"Don't. Do. That."

"What are you gonna do about it?" She once again tapped Natasha's nose.

Natasha jokingly pounced and Y/N immediately shrieked and sprinted away from the beauty, hearing her call to come back.


"Help me pack you idiot!"

Y/N looked at her suspiciously. "Is that a trap?"

"Y/N I swear to God! If I don't get warm in a minute, I'm gonna skin you alive and use it as a coat!"

"Okay! Okay! Geez no need to be so brutal and nasty."  She said going back to her, but stopped mid track. "I'm approaching you now and I need you to not bite. I mean, that wouldn't be too bad but still!"


"Okay I'm coming, God."

"There's a 10 AM to Glasgow to give us more time before we go back to-"

"What if we miss that train?" Y/N cut her off, not wanting what the conversation is insinuating.

"There's an 11-"

"What if we miss all the train.." the taller woman looked at her expectantly.  "What if this time, I didn't go back?"

"You gave Stark your word."

"I'd rather give it to you."

"Well there are people expecting me too you know, we both made promises." She said and Y/N decided to push some more.

"Not to each other." She trailed, "Nat, two years we've stolen this moments trying to see if this could work. I- I don't know I eh uhm persona- you know what I'm just gonna speak for myself. " she stammers but seeing the woman's soft look grounded her. They both knew they both want the same thing.

"I- I think it"

"It works" she finishes.

"It works..."


"Stay.." I whispered. I watch as her smile dissappear and she looks past me, breaking my heart a little.  I mean, I should've expected differently,  it's Natasha we're talking about, she's loyal and she sticks to her word. "Or not, if I'm overstepping-"

Y/N watches as she walks past me to the near by store.

"What is it?" Y/N asked, worried at the alarmed expression of the assassin. 

She trailed her eyesight and focus on the news at the store they were passing by. I looked at the big headline of "NEW YORK ATTACKED" on the television, showing creatures that I can only assume are from another planet.

Natasha let out a gasp and the worry on her face only worsens. "What are they?" And I can only think of one answer. Vision.

The headline then switches to a taunting "TONY STARK MISSING" showing a picture of him and our hearts dropped. We both knew that no matter what we wanted, it's now close to impossible. 

They both turned to each other and Y/N raised their interlocked hands and kissed her loves knuckles. "We need to go."

"No... Y/N if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea." It didn't make sense, the woman who wanted to go home seems to be gone now.

"Nat-" I felt it before it registered, a flaming hot sensation invades my abdomen as the force lifts my foot off the ground.

"Y/N!" I hear Natasha shout before running to me and throwing a kick to whoever was behind me. Before she could land another one, something lifted her and tossed her to a nearby store like she weighed nothing.

The alien with a blue spear turned me over and placed the blade on my chest. "Where's the stone." He asked as he pressed the blade further into my skin. Just as it was about to completely pierce my chest, a shield came flying to the creature, tearing it in half. Wanda stepped in and used her magic to lift me and Nat with her.

Vision then used the stone and sent them further enough for us to escape.

"The jet is just outside the station! Hurry!" I hear the witch shouting. She's just by our side but I hear her fading. Or maybe there's something wrong with my hearing.

"Y/N? Y/N" I felt someone flick my forehead and I groggily opened my eyes to see a Natasha.

"Hey, hey stay awake, we're in the jet now, we're gonna arrive and get you help as soon as possible." I hummed in acknowledgement.

Feeling lightheaded probably from the amount of blood I lost, I lifted my hand to touch her face. She feels like a cloud, so soft and feels almost intangible.

"I'm beginning to think..." I whispered through laboured breathes.

"Open your eyes baby." She said and so I did. "Think what?"

"I'm beginning to think that we should've stayed in bed." She softly giggled through her tears.

"Come on Love, we're almost there. I love you so much, please open your eyes for me. Are you listening?" Her words barely understandable with her cries and soft whispers.

"I love you most. I promise I'm listening, I'm just resting my eyes..."


I think we know she wasn't just resting her eyes.... Anywaaaaay,

hello gays!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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