Internal conflicts

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It was yet another day, the flowers blooming and fruits shining beautifully under the sun.

But to Hayce none of that mattered as today was the official day of the exchange event to take place.

Hayce looked at Lil'Liana and sighed,thinking to himself what would happen to this little sweety there? Will she forget him and ask to spend the rest of her life as a SunKingdom citizen?.

。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。

She also seemed to like the fruits from there!

∑(O_O;) !!

Hayce had the urge to cry but it didn't really matter what he thought or wanted afterall the real person in power was the council president and his decisions would decide what the people do.

'If only I was still in power..if only I did not refuse back then,I could have..'

'No!,if I had accepted back then I wouldn't have met Lil'Liana in the first place'

'Think positive Hayce,think positive!'

Hayce moved towards the door and pulled it open before looking back once more.
He exited the room and gently closed the door behind him.

I should prepare Lil'Liana's food first, she doesn't seem to like repeating food courses maybe I should look through a human pet recipe book and give it a try?.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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