Shopping With My Little Girl

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Kei's pov:

I moved towards the little human and tried to take her in my arms till the customer,Mr.Jade had signed the adoption papers but she flinched back and I could see her hands shivering.
She do been afraid of me for quite a while but I guess meeting the customers might have taken a toll on the poor little thing.
So I just sat somewhere close by her and watched her as she looked around the meeting room.

Next thing I knew was that Mr.Jade had arrived in the room.

"May I take her with me now?,I have signed the neccesary documents and my profile has also been submitted earlier". Asked Mr.Jade.

"Sure but before you do you may have to purchase certain items for your pet and I advice you use the pet carrier for your little one as you shop,she seems to be overwhelmed by many people around". I answer.

"Thanks for the advice I will keep that in mind".

Hayce's pov:

I take slow steps towards my pet to make sure to not scare her and before she looks up and notice me I gently take her up in my arms. She seems to be tired and I could tell that by her half sleepy eyes.
She seems to not notice my presence as she yawns covering her mouth and then moving towards my chest and burying her face in it.

''Adorable'' I whisper as I try not to wake her up.

Then I walk out of the meeting room towards the pet store at the right side of the exit of the pet shop,right before the reception area.(no good at direction explanation).
I take a temporary pet carrier from the rack of many to let my pet rest in it while I buy her some stuff.
As I put her down I see her movements. I hope she is comfortable in there well I should be sure about it since its got the best quality mark on directly from the most world wide known pet shop that is this one.

The first things I needed to get according to the manual my Sister lent me were normal things like..clothes,toothbrush,blankets,carrier,collar,food stuff...etc.
I first move on to buy a proper carrier and a toothbrush since I want her to be awake for the rest of the shopping. I don't want her throwing stuff around in case she didn't like them. Which I heard my Sister's human pet does from time to time.
It took quite a while just to agree on a carrier since this shop has all kinds of good stuff.
Well I finally got the two things.
As I started to proceed to the collar section I notice my little pet peeping from the small opening of the carrier. She seems to still be half-asleep so I bring a bottle of water to her mouth and she starts drinking without bothering to take it away which I would have expected her to.
'God that's too adorable' she then finally shoots her eyes open and look around her.
I could see the panicked expression she has as she starts to shiver and holds her hand on to her chest hugging herself.
She is afraid and she is fully showing that now that we are out of the meeting room.
It takes a while before she calms down and looks up at me and holds her hand out to me,her eyelashes a little wet,probably because she might have wanted to cry.
"Okay got it, up we go" I say as I pick her up and she buries her face into my neck and I Stroke her back knowing she isn't calm yet.

(A/N:Questions as to why Liana was acting the way she was knowing the aliens might have been dangerous,her feelings at the time in the shopping centre she was in....this will be answered next chapter).

(A/N:Longest of all the chapters I have written so far I think)

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