The Blood test!

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Kei's Pov:
I stood looking at the expression of the little human. She looked 'cute' and after I made her stand on the portal she seemed to really enjoy it,once it was done I can guarantee her eyes dropped looking disappointed.

It took her a few moments before she realized she was in a different set of clothes and started looking at it,turning around and assessing it carefully.
Now she was ready for the meeting except I had to still get her blood for a test.

Injections? No we don't use that any longer because of how the humans have reacted to them in the past.
We have introduced a certain device that's so less looks anything like injection.
It looks like just a simple black box with a hole.

I have to go and get it so I slowly proceed towards the little human and take her up in my arms making sure I don't wrinkle her clothes since she will be presented for the meeting.
I then place her on the couch she pulls herself back to the couch as far as she could....poor thing she's been trying to act calm but she is clearly afraid of me.

I slowly move back to get the black box through the transferring objects portal which is connected with the store of the pet shop and bring it out.
I go back to the little human to find her sleeping in the sitting position daring not to lay down.

Well humans do need more sleep than we do so its understandable. The meeting was to be held in about 4 hours so I decided to let this little sweety sleep some.


It was 3 hours later that I saw her moving and slowly waking up,stretching her tiny arms above her head.
I let her take her time and once done I pulled out the black box from my pocket and held it close to her,facing her.
She flinched back a little after seeing me but didn't run or try hiding. She looked at the box questionably and finally sink her forefinger in the hole. Once the clip had pierced through she struggled to pull her finger back and dropped the box.

I picked it up and tended to the little human's finger hurriedly.
She was blowing on it. I bought a bandage that I readied for this and put it around her tiny little finger. She tried to push it back but I held on tight enough for her to not be able to move it back but still soft enough to not hurt her.

Then I left her in the room alone for a while...45 more minutes to the meeting now.

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