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"Miss Laurier, thank you for accepting a job here. We are very lucky to have someone as smart and intelligent as yourself as a member of our board. You will be working in book keeping for now as we don't know your skill level quite yet."

"Of course. Where do I work then?" I asked as politely as possible. I didn't sign up to be a fucking book keeper.

"You will be working in the basement with Mr fox for a month or two. In the R&D department. I know it's not what you specialize in but it will do you great work."

"Of course."

"Ask someone if you need help."

"Actually I have a question." Mr Earle rolled his eyes before facing me. "If I graduated top of my class in business shouldn't I start higher up like the rest of the staff did? Are you scared of my name? Are you scared of a woman being in power?"

"Fine, you will do book keeping higher up. I will promote you once I deem you fit. But for the first week you will be in the basement with Lucius." I nodded and made my way down.

The elevator stopped and opened. I entered the concrete room and saw a man on a computer.

"Hello? Mr Fox, correct?" I asked approaching him.

"Yes, Mr Earle told me you'd be coming down."

"I hope to only stay down here for a week but he seemed like hoping to keep me down here. This is the R&D department, correct?"

"Yes. You must be Y/n Laurier-Falcone. I see why he sent you down. You have the smarts to be up there but due to your name he must have distrust." Lucius said getting up.

"What do you mean by that?"

"This is a dead end. A place to keep me out of trouble, probably you too." I nodded following him around as he talked and showed me different stuff.


"What was your first job here, when you joined Wayne enterprises?"

"Well I worked as a engineer, helped design projects and stuff. He doesn't want a woman working so high up so he is easing you up." He chuckled lightly as we got in the elevator.

"I see that now. Well it was nice meeting you Mr Fox and I look forward to working with you in the future. Hopefully you'll be back on the board at some point."

"We both will be on the board eventually. From what I've heard from you so far you can do much good for the company. There's sadly very few women on the board due to Mr Earle's new ideals since the Wayne's died." The elevator stopped and we both got out. I waved goodbye and went home.


Over the months I've gained my way to the top rather quickly. I am so close to working on the board, but due to my family it hasn't happened yet. I do go out to the parties that they throw though, they're very fun.

I am setting up my new apartment right now. My salary has grown rather quickly and I have an apartment near the company.

Hannah started dating some girl a month ago and moved out. She's always welcome to stay with me though.

Since working at the company I've become friends with more people from the company. Recently Mr Earle has grown more harsh and I've tried going to see if Wayne is back in town many times. He was pronounced dead but his Butler and now good friend, Alfred has said he is very much alive.

I turned to the TV when a headline popped up that made me laugh lightly.

"Murder of Circus proformer Lila Valeska, happened a year ago. Second night of the Circus, Jerome Valeska is on trial and is convicted of first degree murder but is being sent to Arkham for being criminally insane."

"He did say he was going to get revenge." I said to myself before pushing my couch to the wall. My phone then started ringing so it went over and answered. "Y/n Laurier."

"Ah Miss Laurier, would you like to come over for some tea? I just got back from my vacation, sadly Mr Wayne is still missing."

"Of course Alfred, I'll be right there." I hung up and took the elevator down to the parking garage. The apartment building had a parking garage at the bottom, it was underground.

I got to my car and started it. I drove through the snowy climate and made my way to the country side and to the Wayne Manor. The Manor amazed me every time I came over, it's just so beautiful.

I shut my car and walked to the front. I didn't even had to knock since Alfred opened it up before I could.

"How are you my dear? Hand me your coat." I handed him my coat and took my winter boots off.

"Oh I'm well, just moved in and am unpacking. How are you?"

"I'm very good, the sun got me nice and tan."

"I can see. How was Italy?" I asked politely putting on my indoor shoes I kept here and followed him inside further.

"Lovely as always. I've got the tea and biscuits ready here."

We talked about our lives and news. He always tells me stories of when he was serving in the wars. He amazes me quite frankly.

"Oh I almost forgot I have dinner with my uncle soon. It was lovely speaking with you Alfred, see you soon?"

"Yes of course. Safe travels." He smiled handing me my coat. I waved goodbye, got in my car and left. Every few weeks I have dinner with Falcone, he tells me on how my father is doing and how the plan is going. My father is like Falcone's lap dog, he always has someone follow my father aswell just in case.


The dinner was very good. I ended up going home after it since I wanted to get back to packing. I've kept in touch with people from the orphanage over the years, but haven't met up with a lot.

Selina works at Cobblepot's Iceberg Lounge now which is cool. Oswald is also getting higher in my father's buisness, he's worried be might take over at some point.

The Falcones already occasionally have the Maroni Family to deal with. Its an on and off relationship between the two. I haven't had to defend myself against many of them yet but occasionally they'll try something but I can see it from a mile away.

After unpacking a bunch more boxes I went to bed since I'm exhausted from moving and work.


Hello! So I have like uhh chapters up to 1.8 pre-written so fas as of posting this, I like reading comments and stuff so I'm taking my sweet time posting chapters especially so if I burn out I have time to spark back up. Chapter 1.0 will be a short chapter but know just a sentence like 0.0.

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