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Jonathan Pov:

"You kissed her?" Edward asked, arms crossed.

"Technically, yes! I told scarecrow not to do anything, and there he goes!"

"Well, was it a good kiss?" Jerome asked, smirking.

"Yes, it was amazing, but that's besides the point. She was under the toxin."

"Didn't you say that she's gotten almost full control of the toxin? The toxin makes you scared, that was fully her. What happened after?"

"She said that she dreamed about making out with me. Like me, me not scarecrow, her therapist. What should I do?" I panicked, pacing around the room.

"Ask her on a date. Flirt with her, and make your professional boundaries different with her so that you two can date. You don't want to date her as scarecrow." Joker said.

"It wouldn't be dating. It'd be a relationship, get it right, Clown."

"Okay, okay, Mr Romance."

"Help me plan a date or how to ask her out." I said, grabbing out a paper.



I had dreams about him. Both of them. Scarecrow and Dr. Crane, both of them had me. They were sharing me, I was letting them use my body. It was amazing.

Last night, I made out with Scarecrow without his mask on. I'm his. I'm his and only his.

I quickly got up and got ready for work and stuff. It's the normal wake-up time for me. I must've slept nine or ten hours. Which is a lot for me.


I got off work early, like usual, on my therapy days. Said goodbye to some coworkers, including Bruce, and made my way. Traffic was worse than usual today on my way to the asylum.

"ID?" I quickly passed it over and was let through the gates once I got it back. Occasionally, when they have new staff, they have to ask for my ID, but since I'm here twice a week, they all pretty much know me.

I checked in like usual and was escorted to his office by security. "Hello, Y/n, have a seat."

"Hello." I smiled, sitting down. It smelt different in here, sort of. Like his cologne was stronger. It was also more neat and tidy, like he cleaned it up and added some decorations?

"Is something wrong, Miss Laurier?"

"No, it just seems different in here." I said, leaning back into the seat.

"So last session, we talked about how we can start working more on you since we have most of your childhood figured out by now. We have connected dots and such, and I think we can maybe start exploring different possible diagnoses. I have a few I'd like to look into, which match you somewhat."

"Oh!" I said, surprised."Okay, I'm okay with that." The thought of a diagnosis scares me quite a bit.

"Don't worry, my darling," he said, making my stomach flutter, like every time scarecrow calls me that. "it's just so we can pinpoint the best therapy for you, which will most likely be DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The diagnosis just explains why you act the way you do. It doesn't define you. You are not your diagnosis. Now I am leaning towards these disorders: C-PTSD; so complex post traumatic stress disorder, BPD; Borderline Personality Disorder, and HPD; Histrionic Personality Disorder."

I took a deep breath, hands shaking. I have something wrong with me, and I don't know if I'll ever get fixed.

"We already know you have Depression and anxiety. We just need to get you taken care of in the best ways we can. I will have to test you for a few more Disorders aswell though, I am certain it isn't any of the two Bipolars from what I can see. I will test you for all cluster B Personality Disorders, though."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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