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Welcome to the start of your life...




"I'm so sorry I am late," I stumbled into the room where Jessica takes calls. "Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you again Mr Wayne."

"You too Miss Laurier. Do you usually show up to meetings late?"

"Forgot to change my alarm to earlier, first day on the board today." I chuckled softly before hitting my head lightly.

"I'm sure they'll understand. Play golf with us?"

"I'd love to but I don't want to get demoted on the first day." Just then Mr Earle barged in.

"Why is nobody answering the phone and why are you late?"

"Its Wayne enterprises, I'm sure they'll call back." Bruce said turning his head towards him.

"Bruce? You're supposed to be dead!" Mr Earle was completely and utterly confused and his face said it all.

"Sorry to disappoint."

"We were just finishing up, let's go talk in my office." Mr Earle said before ushering me into the board room. "Fill Miss Laurier in please."

I watched as he left again to talk to Bruce. One of the members pointed to a spot beside them so I made my way over.

They said they were talking about making the company public. I'm not sure how I feel about it but if it helps then I guess it's okay, not like I have much a say anyways.


"I was looking back at many of your past experiences, through files on you and I think therapy could be good for you. You've dealt with so much and Hannah told me of the nightmares you have. To me it reminds me of PTSD and I think therapy could help manage it." Rachel said as we walked towards the court house. One of Falcone's men was on stand and like usual he asked me to make sure he would go where he paid him to be sent.

"Therapy in Gotham sounds like I'm asking to be called crazy."

"Well the only place to get good therapy is Arkham. Dr Crane is the head of Arkham and we believe he's been working for Falcone putting his men there instead of blackgate, and well,"

"Go on." I insisted as we walked up the stairs.

"If you get therapy there you could double as a way for us to get a second eye. See what they really do to the patients there."

"I think I can manage the episodes well enough, they have stopped recently. No more re runs of my past trauma. I honestly think I'm fine now." I smiled.

"Y/n, we both know that's not true. You need professional help for this."

"Excuse my rudeness but I seemed to have picked up on your conversation. You really should get help for nightmares revolving around your trauma." Some man with brown hair and icy blue eyes said coming up to us said.

"That's what I am saying, you need help, it can lead to other disorders." Rachel added.

"Whatever." I spat walking into the courtroom feeling two eyes on me.

The court went as planned and the guy was sent to Arkham instead of blackgate. The guy from earlier was the Arkham worker apparently.

A/n: Hello, this was kinda really sort but it was like the prologue for the next part even though 0.0 to 0.9 were the prologue. This chapter was just setting the scene.

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