first kiss (requested)

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"I hope this isn't too out of the ordinary for our date tonight," Yunjin said as she started to unpack the picnic basket.

"Not at all." You chuckled as you looked out at your surroundings.

Yunjin picked one of the most romantic spots possible.

There's a creek of water flowing nearby. It's quiet and it's beautiful.

And to make the second date that you're embarking on even more special, Yunjin planned this perfect picnic date as the sun sets and the sky turns a beautiful orange and pink color.

"I didn't know what all you'd want so I packed a bunch of stuff. I brought sandwiches, fruit, salad, brownies, and macarons. As for drinks, I brought some sweet tea, water, lemonade, and juice."

You just stayed quiet, staring at her with a bright smile.

"Is it too much?" She nervously asked as she looked at everything placed on the blanket.

"No." You giggled as you shook your head. "It's perfect. It's so thoughtful and so sweet. Thank you."

"You're welcome, my love."

You unwrapped one of the sandwiches and as the sweet name fell from her lips, your heart started to flutter.

You love it when she calls you things like that.

You know you'll be hearing those sweet names for you fall from her lips for a long while, as you're falling head over heels for each other.

Last night, she called you and asked if you wanted to go on a date tonight.

But not just any date.

Your first date as a couple.

And you would've been crazy to say no.

So, obviously, you said yes.

Now that you're officially dating, and happily so, Yunjin keeps calling you the sweetest names.

Each time, it's something new and different.

But you love each and every sweet name that she calls you.

As you ate your sandwich, she talked to you about her life a little more in-depth, and you listened closely.

But as you listened, your eyes filled with hearts, and Yunjin noticed how quiet you'd gone and how softly you were just staring at her.

"What?" She smiled as she finished her food.

"Nothing." You said, shaking your head. "I just like the sound of your voice and hearing how much you love your life and your job. It's easy to see how passionate you are. It's sweet."

Her lips pulled into an even bigger grin and she scooted across the blanket to sit beside you, rather than across from you.

"I know we've just started dating but I hope you know that I like you a lot, for who you truly are. I think you're so kind and so beautiful."

"Don't worry, I know." She said as she put her hand on your knee. "I like you a lot too. I think you're even more beautiful."

You swear that you've never felt so much happiness or so many butterflies fill your chest because of someone.

"The sky is so pretty. I love the colors."

"It's magical." She said as she put her arms around you slowly, only to hold you a little tighter as she felt you melt a bit.

"And so romantic."

She didn't say anything.

She began to get lost in her own thoughts.

Until you turned around and started to speak.

"You went quiet." You said.

"Yeah, just thinking."


She looked at the sky and then into your eyes, her gaze oh so soft.

"About how this would be the perfect place to share our first kiss... if you're ready for that."

Your heart nearly burst.

Oh, your girlfriend is full of many romantic ideas.

"I'd love it if you kissed me under the sunset." You said as you scooted as close as you could to her.

She looked away from your eyes and to your lips before looking back into your eyes.

You leaned in, so close that your breath fanned against her lips and hers fanned against yours.

But before your lips fully touched, she stared into your eyes for a couple of lingering seconds, wordlessly checking on you to make sure you truly were ready for this kiss.

And instead of answering, you leaned in the rest of the way and put your lips against hers.

She swore that her heart almost stopped.

It was perfect.

Right from the second that your lips touched hers, everything felt so perfect.

You both felt those fireworks going off all around you and you felt the way her hand shook as she put one of them against your cheek to cup it in her palm.

You felt your heart start to flutter as she kissed you sweetly and as you put your arms around your neck to pull her closer, she melted.

She slowly pulled away, placing her forehead against yours as you both caught your breath.

You gazed into each other's eyes, not saying a single word for a few seconds as you came off of cloud nine.

She smiled at you and, in response, you smiled right back at her and the sight warmed her big, happy heart.

"That was the best kiss ever." She said as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear.

"It was." You agreed. "I'm crazy about you, Yunjin. I'm falling for you."

"I'm falling for you too, darling." She said as she kissed your cheek as you began to play with her long hair, gently twirling the strands around your fingers as you continued to stare into each other's eyes.

This was it.

This was the start of something beautiful.

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