you flinch during an argument (requested)

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"Yunjin, wait up!" You said as you followed her into your shared home.

"I can't believe that happened." She said. "I can't believe that our waitress flirted with you and you didn't do a damn thing about it!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize she was flirting." You said defensively.

"Sure, you didn't. She kept calling you things like beautiful and pretty girl and kept twirling her hair and touching your hand. How could you not have noticed?"

"Because I only see you." You said, only for her to scoff.

"You didn't tell her to stop. Instead, you get mad at me for telling her off."

"Yeah because everyone was staring at us and you weren't very nice."

"So I'm just supposed to sit there and let someone flirt with you?" She scoffed.

"People flirt with you all the time, Yunjin. You don't see me acting like a child about it."

"Oh, so now I'm a child?"

"You're acting pretty immature." You said as you folded your arms over your chest. "I told you that I didn't notice that she was flirting. I'm sorry for getting upset with you for defending me. Can we drop it now?"

"No!" She said. "Because you shouldn't get mad at me. You should be mad at her! I should be able to make it clear that you're my girl without you getting so pissed at me."

You rubbed your temples stressfully.

"Forget it. I don't want to argue anymore. I'm going to bed."

"No, you're not, because I'm still talking!"

You shook your head as she raised her voice slightly.

"I don't want to argue anymore, Yunjin! If you're going to keep going on and on about this, then I'm just going to walk away and you can sleep on the couch! Because I don't want to do this."

"Dammit, Y/N!" She yelled as she raised her hand.

And something came over you at the sight.

You flinched and quickly covered your face as she froze.

Her anger and frustration instantly faded away.

All she could think about was how you thought she was going to put her hands on you.

"Y/N?" She said in shock as you slowly lowered your hands. "You thought I was going to hit you?"

You nodded your head.

"No, baby," She quietly spoke. "I swear, I would never."

It took a few seconds for you to find your voice.

"I know." You said.

"Can I come over to you? Can I hold you?"


She was in your arms a second later as she pulled you close and rubbed your back.

"I'm so sorry." She said. "I swear, I'd never do that to you!"

"It's okay, Yunjin. I know you wouldn't. I just got scared for a second."

"I'm so sorry for everything." She said. "I didn't mean to raise my voice at you and I didn't mean to scare you."

"I know." You said as she pulled away.

"I love you so much and I would never hurt you, not ever. I need you to know that."

"I do know, baby." You said as you stared into her eyes. "Can we just forget about all of this?"

She nodded before hugging you again.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said as you held her just as tight as she was holding you as she continued to tell you how much she loved you and how she'd never do anything to hurt you.

Yunjin Imagines (gxg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن