confessing your feelings for each other (requested)

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The second Yunjin saw you walk into the practice room, her eyes lit up and her mood completely changed.

She felt pretty exhausted today and even though she was still doing a great job, she felt as though she wasn't doing as good as she normally does since she was so low on energy.

But you being here brought her so much happiness and she began to feel much better right away.

"What are you doing here?" She asked before running over to you.

"I was bored." You said as she hugged you tightly. "It's my day off and I was just sitting at home, bored out of my mind. So I figured I'd come down here and surprise my best friend by watching her practice!"

She liked everything about what you said except the best friend part.

Yunjin is so in love with you and has been since you met through Sakura, whom you've been friends with for a while.

You haven't told anyone but you're also head over heels for Yunjin, hence why you try to find any excuse possible to spend a little time with her.

"Thank you." She smiled as she pulled away, her fingers brushing along your arm absentmindedly.

You stared at them before looking into her eyes, both of you feeling something special as you gazed at each other.

"Yunjin? Are you ready to get back to practice?" Kazuha asked.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm ready." Yunjin replied before taking your hand and leading you across the room.

You sat down and tried to hold her hand a little tighter, wishing that she wouldn't let go.

But the girls have a huge comeback coming up to prepare for and Yunjin knows they have to keep practicing.

She sent you a sweet smile before going back over to the girls.

The music resumed and they continued to practice.

The entire time, though, Yunjin was going crazy.

She could feel your eyes on her as you watched her, not once looking away.

You were making it hard to focus.

She tried so hard to keep her focus on the members and the dance steps but the music was fading out and all that was running through her mind was you.

"Can we take a break?" Yunjin asked.

"Sure," Chaewon said before the music stopped. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just need to talk to Y/N," Yunjin replied before going over to you.

She gently grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the practice room, leaving you a little confused.

"Yunjin? What's going on?" You asked before she let your hand go and looked around to make sure you were both alone before looking back at you.

"I can't take this anymore." She sighed before running her fingers through her hair. "You're driving me crazy!"

"What did I do?" You wondered.

"I could feel you staring at me."

You looked at the ground before looking back at her.

"It's so hard to focus on what I'm doing when I know you're staring at me."

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"I love it." She interrupted. "Please, don't be sorry. I love it when you stare at me. It makes me wonder if you feel the same way that I do about you."

"How do you feel about me?" You asked curiously.

She licked her lips before taking a deep breath.

"I'm in love with you."

You stared at her in silence for a moment.

"Everything about you, I'm in love with. You're everything I have ever dreamt of. I'm crazy about you."

"Yunjin, why do you think I stare at you?" You asked. "It's because I can't take my eyes off of you. Because you're the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. It's because I'm in love with you too."

Her brown eyes sparkled upon hearing you say that.

"I stare at you because you're insanely talented and attractive and you drive me insane." You confessed.

She smirked at you before biting her lip.

"Is that so?"

"It is. I'm sorry if I distracted you."

"No." She said as she caressed your cheek. "Please, don't apologize for distracting me. Do it more often. I like knowing that you're watching me."

You giggled before she put her hands on your hips and pulled you closer.

"Look into my eyes." She whispered and you happily did as she said. "God, you're beautiful."

She moved one hand up to gently hook her fingers under your chin.

She parted her lips as she prepared to ask if she could kiss you, only for you to speak first.

"Just kiss me. Please, Yunjin, kiss me."

She didn't waste another second before putting her lips on yours.

It was the most romantic kiss you've ever had; her lips felt so soft and tasted so sweet as they moved against yours and you couldn't help but melt into her.

"I'm so, so in love with you," You whispered, causing her to smile against your lips.

"I'm so, so in love with you." She said back to you. "You're mine now, right?"

"Yunjin," You said as you slowly pulled away from her lips. "I've always been yours."

She let out a breath of relief before pulling you in for a hug and as she held you, she felt as if she had everything she'd ever wanted and needed right there in her embrace.

You've had her heart for the longest time.

But now, you were officially hers and she was officially yours, making you both the happiest that you'd ever been.

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