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Three days had passed since I assumed uncle's duties. Sir Shotaro, who I assigned to take care of both Hendrix and Keita, made a daily report about their unprogressing health. Meanwhile, Sir Reynolds took care of uncle who didn't have enough energy to get out of his room. Even Lily, my handmaid, is currently busy because of the errands she needed to do.

All I could do was sneak a soft sigh before and after every meeting that Aurelius and the Marquess conduct. Good thing is that Astraeus had been accompanying me with these meetings, while Sir Aiden, my other knight, and Arthur guard us both.

During these three days, I've noticed a couple of people attending the meeting who seemed familiar to me. It always made me frown whenever I'll catch them scoffing at me, as if they were mocking me. I admit, I didn't really took pleasure in verbally participating during those meetings, it was always Astraeus who'll speak for me. Well, he was unexpectedly a better speaker than me anyway. Plus, he enjoys crushing those arrogant nobles with his harsh words.

All I did was play dumb in front of their royal council and in front of the royal family's suspicious gaze, which felt fascinating by the way. I wonder what feeble emotions those golden eyes of his hold that every time he'll look at me, his eyebrows will crease together. I wonder if I could crush it too.

"Harriet, are you ready?" It was Astraeus. He insisted on calling me with that nickname he made for me. It was awkward at first, but I eventually got used to it.

"Yes. You can come in now," I answered while checking myself at the full-body mirror for the last time.

I could proudly say that pink and purple are my palette. They naturally match me well, especially these amethyst gems.

"You look enchanting enough to deceive the royal council that you're nothing, but an incompetent brat." I could see that smug look on his face as he assesses my appearance.

I wonder if that was an insult or a compliment.

"Yeah, and you look like someone who'll bite their heads off," I retorted, crossing my arms as I look at him from head to toe.

I won't deny the fact that dark colors suit him well.

"I look even more dashing, don't I?" I was taken aback at his sudden actions that I pushed him away out of instinct.

Why does he always shove his face closer to mine?! What is he, an idiot?!

"Do your job first, then maybe I can throw some compliments for you," I muttered, looking away while I cover my mouth with my clenched hand.

I couldn't see his current expression, but I swear, I could feel this dumbass smiling. What's wrong with this idiot?!

I cleared my throat before throwing a glance at him. "We should go. We have a stage to perform to," I reminded him as I held out my hand. A smile finally forming on my lips as he held my hand.

A few more hours and everything should end from here.

─── 𖥸 ───

Even though he was an imperial prince, Arthur agreed to walk behind us and left Astraeus beside me. Astraeus and I were a pair of semi-proxy for the Grand Duke, while Arthur acts as my dear brother who wants to protect me as a knight.

"Greetings, your highness and Master Valorian. Your seats are beside mine, please feel comfortable to occupy them," Rowan greeted with a half-smile planted on his gloomy face. He seemed to purposely ignore Arthur though, but Arthur didn't mind him anyway.

Are you perhaps worried? Is that why you're always looking at me with those hopeful eyes?

"Ah. It's good to see you here, Prince Rowan. Where's the Marquess and the Crown Prince?" I asked as I took the seat beside him.

I elbowed Astraeus' arm when I heard his low scoff. This idiot, really...

Rowan didn't seem to hear anything other than my question that the emotions on his eyes didn't falter. "They're currently preparing for the ceremony. Are you asking because you want to aim correctly this time?" He said, his voice becoming low as he spit his last question.

Are you really oblivious about their scheme? Or are you plain stupid?

"I don't quite understand what you mean, prince, but I think I don't need to know anyone's specific location since I'll reach them even if I close my eyes," I answered in a joking manner, accompanied with a soft laugh.

"Is that so? Do you usually dirty your hands for that? Or do you prefer underhanded tricks?"

If anyone could hear our conversation, they will instantly think that we're accusing each other of something. Very unethical.

I could feel Astraeus' bloodlust that I gently pressed the tips of my fingers against the back of his wrist and caressed it gently to calm him from attacking Rowan. An act of petting my snake.

"Hmm. Interesting, but I prefer a face-to-face combat. That's easier than letting someone close to me manipulate me─oh wait, we're talking about fights and stuff. Sorry about that sudden statement." I smiled widely and innocently at him as I apologize.

I blindly tapped my index finger three times against the back of Astraeus' wrist when I noticed the sudden confusion on Rowan's face. So he's not aware of it. I'm suddenly relieved.

I leaned back against my seat, my hand still unconsciously placed against Astraeus' wrist while my other hand rested on the arm of my chair. I tried ignoring Rowan's attention while I sweep the crowd below us with my gaze. We're currently seated at the huge balcony of the main palace and below us are a crowd, the people of this Nation and some tourists, then on our left side was another huge balcony decorated with gold and orange ornaments and a small platform formed like a stage.

There were a couple of royal and imperial guards placed around the stage. Then a few more guards scattered within the crowd and I think the rest are being briefed to attack us. I mean, that's just a hunch.

I glanced over my shoulder, looking at Arthur who was standing behind us. He looked back at me then I gave him the signal by turning my gaze at the door behind him. We've already discussed about this before that he didn't answer or did anything in response, he only turned his back and marched out of the balcony.

My eyes quickly moved, carefully looking around every corner. With my free hand, I reached for my other hand that's placed beside Astraeus' hand and pretended to scratch against the hem of the sleeve of my dress. I quickly turned my gaze to Rowan's side when I saw the familiar cloak that I've been looking for mixed within the crowd.

I flipped the small object I took from the hem of my sleeve, holding its head with my index finger and thumb. I waited for a second until the incoming servant tripped and spilled the tea she was holding on Rowan's clothes. I quickly pricked his thumb with the pointy part of the needle then used my mana to disintegrate the needle.

"Are you okay, Prince Rowan?" I asked with a hint of concern on my voice.

He looked overwhelmed at the sudden commotion that he couldn't seem to speak properly. I quickly grabbed the handkerchief placed on the front pocket of the servant's uniform and used it to try to wipe off some stain on Rowan's upper clothes. I nonchalantly waved the handkerchief closer to his nose before leaning my head a little closer to him.

"Rest for now, Prince. You're the main actor," I whispered softly.

I could still hear his soft voice asking me before he finally fainted.

As the best actress for today's special day, I called for the royal guards guarding the stage out of panic. Astraeus, on the other hand, did his part by pretending to calm me down. He also explained to the royal guards what happened because of the reason that I was too shocked after seeing someone fainting.

"Good job, your highness," Astraeus whispered beside me then he followed the royal guard in front of us, guiding us to where Aurelius and the Marquess are seating.

The two were seated a few meters away from the stage and they were surrounded by an unfamiliar group of guards. They aren't part of the imperial guards that we sent, nor the royal guards of this nation, they looked like guards from a different nation or empire.

"Where did they come from?" I whispered softly. Astraeus looked at the guards as well, but he didn't answer or reply to my question. Does he know them or does he not?

Aurelius was wearing a fancy military uniform of white fabric with intricate designs of orange, their color. What I noticed most was the different kind of aura surrounding him.

"Your highness. I heard what happened, I apologize for the sudden commotion, I didn't knew I had an incompetent servant within this palace. Please have the seat beside me," he offered. He sounded so genuine that maybe if I didn't know any better, I'd believe him right away.

"Don't worry about it, your royal highness. I just hope that Prince Rowan's alright," I said as I sit beside him.

"I was watching you since you arrive. Aren't you putting quite a show for a mere spectator?" He inquired. His voice wasn't low enough to conceal his intention, and his tone sounded like he already did whatever he needed to block my plans.

"I don't know whatever you mean. I'm just looking after my subjects." I smiled as my gaze focus at the crowd below us.

"Don't try any trick until the coronation's done. Or I might kill one of your subordinates I hold captive in the palace." Is that a threat I'm hearing? You were insulting me just a while ago, and now you're threatening me?

I only shrugged at him, not even bothering to look at this bloke head. I don't have much patience to offer him right now.

My mood lightens up a little when I finally saw the Archbishop of Talares Nation, he's the one assigned to lead the ceremony. Behind him followed two priest holding two small satin-like pillows that has both the royal scepter and the royal crown needed for the ceremony.

The Archbishop stood in the middle part of the stage where a trumpet looking object is placed, while his priests stood at the side. "We are gathered here to finally bless the new King of our Nation." The Archbishop went on by introducing the ceremony for the new King.

I waited until I finally saw everyone in position. The men wearing cloaks within the crowd are the special knights from the imperial family. It was a sudden order, but they managed to arrive on time. Before the Archbishop mention Aurelius' name, I quickly stood up, catching everyone's attention. It's probably showtime.

"Shall I make a speech before we continue with the ceremony?" My voice wasn't always this loud, it's because of that voice-enhancing magic that Astraeus casted on me, like that trumpet microphone. Everyone looked astounded upon seeing someone strange jump in the middle of the ceremony. Yeah, yeah. "For everyone who does not have any idea who I am, allow me to formally introduce myself." I held on to the side of my dress and lifted it a little, then I bowed gracefully in front of everyone. "I am Henrietta Amethyst le Clair, the imperial Crown Princess and the future Empress of this Empire."

"You rascal!" Aurelius exclaimed. Of course, he wasn't expecting that I'll formally introduce myself since this wasn't part of their program. I snapped my fingers and Keita appeared out of nowhere, holding a sword and pointing it towards Aurelius. Astraeus moved as well, using his ability to control the movements of those suspicious guards with just one flick of his fingers.

"You may be surprised at this very moment for the sudden commotion that's transpiring right before your eyes and wondering why the imperial family is pointing a sword at your future King. Well... it is because this sinner right here is not the suitable King nor the future King of this Nation." I turned my head to my right and nodded my head at Arthur who already arrived at the scene.

He was holding a bunch of papers as he walked to where the Archbishop was standing. The smirk on his face never fading as he started announcing every crime that Aurelius and the Marquess took part in. That includes, treason, conspiring against the imperial family, forming an illegal alliance with another empire, attempting to murder the imperial family, and the list goes on.

Aurelius wanted to speak against every accusation thrown at him, but he couldn't. Not when there's a sword pointed at his throat. I glanced at Keita, and he pulled his sword down, but as soon as he sheaths his sword, Aurelius quickly grabbed one of the suspicious guard's sword and made a quick attempt to attack me.

I stood there, holding nothing to fight back against him. The view of his desperate face wanting to gobble me down fascinated me so much that I felt greedy wanting to watch more of it.

"Ugh─" The sound of the sword falling on the floor echoed through the balcony. I didn't feel anything odd, nor cold as I watch Hendrix, who appeared behind me, stab him on the on the chest.

"You know what went wrong, Aurelius? It was when you attacked my family. You should have known better before attacking anyone from the imperial bloodline." I said, sending him a telephatic message as I smile at him.

He whispered something that I couldn't hear and that made Hendrix stiffen before finally falling lifelessly on the floor. I was too immersed watching his body swim on his own blood that I didn't notice Hendrix coming closer to me.

Death is really just around the corner, huh?

"I apologize for being late, your highness," Hendrix bowed his head. I wanted to pat him, but a different wave of mana suddenly caught my attention.

I quickly looked around, frowning as I search for that person. But my heart began throbbing painfully, as if that mana wave was clashing with mine. I wonder how I notice that unfamiliar figure wearing a dark grey cloak in the middle of the crowd. The figure seemed to smile before it vanished.

And as soon as the figure disappeared, all the strength I had in my body seemed to follow that person. And the last thing I heard before passing out was their voices calling out my name.


─── 𖥸 ───

I woke up past dinnertime with most of them guarding my room. Keita was on the couch, Arthur and Hendrix were beside my bed, while Astraeus was nowhere to be found. They all looked worn out, maybe because of this tiring day.

Hendrix went out for a second to call uncle ad Astraeus, while Keita searched outside for the doctor, and I was left with only Arthur pouting at me. A puppy.

I gave him a pat on the head, trying to assure him that I'm already fine. Arthur also told me what happened after I had passed out. He said that Astraeus insisted for the ceremony to continue and the Grand Duke crowned the worried Rowan as the new King.

It may not seem like a proper time for the ceremony to continue, but everything went according to plan that no one could afford to delay anything. Arthur really did a good job in compiling every document needed to legally accuse Aurelius, the Marquess and everyone in the royal council who helped them.

Honestly, we wouldn't be able to achieve this outcome if it weren't for everyone's cooperation. I tasked Sir Reynolds and Sir Shotaro to create a fake report about Hendrix, Keita and uncle's condition. And of course it won't be believable if they'll look healthy if ever someone made a surprise visit. So I asked Astraeus to cast illusion on their rooms.

My handmaiden, Lily, also helped by running enough errands to pass my instructions to everyone. I'm just relieved that everything happened according to the plan and expectation that Astraeus and I set for this. And luckily, we were able to release Rowan from that manipulation spell Aurelius casted on him. It only took the legal papers to persuade him in that small amount of time. Well, he's more logical and reasonable than his bad brother.

One thing that bothers me the most was that weird mana wave I felt earlier and that weird figure I saw. I wonder who that is.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum