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[ THIRD P.O.V. ]

The Grand Duke and Arthur rounded up the accused traitors: Chief Hiki the representative of the Land of Dew, Baron Gaisler Essó from the Aristocrat Faction, and Chancellor Simoun Fitzroy. They were all the ones that Arthur and the Shadow Corps had investigated. Viscount Kise Luecé was part of their schemes, however, he was found dead back at his estate in Annaritas Nation.

They were imprisoned in the dungeon with the charge of treason and harming a royal blood. Grand Duke Deus was sweeping off the unnecessary nobles in the imperial court to secure Henrietta's safety. He was planning to announce her to the empire and introduce her to the high society, an early debut for the princess. It was to prevent any more risky situation like the kidnapping case.

The citizens of the empire are unaware of the Crown Princess. Rumors even spread that the Crown Princess living in the palace was a myth. And those rumors gave enough courage to those opposed to the Grand Duke to harass the imperial family.

"Does his excellency think that her highness will be happy about this decision?" Reynolds said.

He was arranging the documents piled up on the Grand Duke's desk. He was like a brother to him that he didn't took his words offensively. Instead, he looked at him with worry filling his eyes. "I'm doing this to protect her. It's a bit late, but I realized now how huge her part is in my life."

To the Grand Duke, before, Henrietta was an inconvenience. She was a child he never asked for, nor even needed. Or that's what he felt back then. Because of that hatred he had for her mother, he was blinded and unable to see that the child was not someone he should blame for.

And as the time goes by, as he spends more time with her, he slowly learned how he was longing for the child. The sadness he felt when he first heard about the news of his brother and lover's wedding. The truth when he realized that Avery was using him to conceive a child, a selfish act that he unconsciously condones. And the desperate need to see their child when he heard the news that the empress had given birth in the palace.

He kept on reminding himself how he was just taken by the heat of the moment, yet in the end, he succumbs to the truth. The truth that he wished for her to carry their own child and not his brother.

"I was a fool, Reynolds. I should have treated that child with great care. It was foolish of me to take out my hatred to her."

Reynolds watched him silently. He was relieved that his master and long-time friend had finally admitted his mistakes and his true feelings for his child. Even the young masters, Hendrix and Arthur, were confused at first before they admitted that they saw Henrietta as their full-blooded sibling.

The door of the Grand Duke's office was bombarded with loud knocks and the melancholic emotion that's slowly filling the room quickly disappeared.

"The Crown Princess has returned!"

Grand Duke Deus left the paper works on his desk and immediately rush out of his office. Reynolds allowed his master to flee from his duties, so he can check on his daughter.


The knight informed him of the room where the princess was brought then the Grand Duke trudged across the hallway, the fast and heavy sound of his boot kissing the ground resonated through the hallway. The knights scattered around the palace bowed as the Grand Duke walked in front of them.

Two knights, who were guarding the room, bowed to him, then they opened the door. Hendrix, Arthur, and Keita were waiting inside as the doctor checked on the princess. Astraeus was beside Henrietta's bed. The princess was unconscious, but her grip on the mage's hand was as tight as if she was holding for her dear life. The Grand Duke's eyes narrowed at their hands, but what made him frown even more was the sight of the bruises decorating her face, neck and arms.

They greeted the Grand Duke when he entered the room and Hendrix approached his father. He told him everything they saw in the castle in the middle of the Crimson Forest, along with the whereabouts of her kidnappers. They were casted in the dungeon, at the lowest part where they imprison those they needed to interrogate.

"Why is he holding her hand like that?" He asked, pointing at their hands with his sharp eyes.

Hendrix scratched the back of his neck as he glanced at Astraeus, who was now looking at them with a triumphant look on his face. "Henrietta held his hand tightly after he had placed her on the bed. The doctor said that her body was acting up because of the trauma inflicted on her."

The Grand Duke's face hardened at the mention of the trauma she had received. He went beside the doctor. Arthur and Keita were silent as they observe the room. Astraeus was silent as well while he watches the doctor with his keen eyes. They were making sure that no one can harm her again as they were already in a safe place surrounded with competent people.

"Can't we heal her with magic?" Arthur asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Her body and her spirit are protected by her power. It's a combination of magic and divinity energy and if we'll add another magical energy then it will greatly strain her body. She might not wake up anymore if that happens. However, we do not need to worry about her recovery because the princess is healing herself. It's a slow procedure and it might take some time, but we can only wait because she has closed herself from anyone's touch or close presence." He glanced at Astraeus. "Except for His Grace."

"I see..."

"But can you tell us how long it will take before she gains consciousness?" Hendrix asked this time.

The doctor sighed softly then he fixed the princess' blanket, covering her up properly.

"Depending on the princess' response, it might take some time before she could gain consciousness. The trauma she received from her takers was too much for her," the doctor paused as she glanced at the princess. "You must not leave this room alone or a greater stress will engulf her. And as much as you can, please talk to her. The princess can hear you, she might wake up earlier than expected if she'll hear the voices of the people she cherishes."

The Grand Duke's sharp eyes dropped at her peaceful features. The locks of her hair were scattered around her pillow, her once ash shade hair has now become darker. The princess looked exhausted because of the dark circles under her eyes and her hollowed cheeks made her look sick. But despite that, she looked peaceful, as if a heavy burden has been lifted from her heart.

"What about her wounds?" He asked, frowning once again at the sight of the uninvited bruises and wounds scattered on her face and body.

"There were a few cuts and bruises on her face, neck, arms and legs. And a wound on her back. It's like a mark engraved using a hot metal."

Their hands clenched tightly.

"Did you catch all of the culprits?" The Grand Duke asked.

"We did, Your Excellency," Hendrix answered.

The Grand Duke threw a glance at Astraeus and Astraeus nod his head, as if he understood what he meant. "You three. Follow me," he ordered then they went out of the princess' room, following the Grand Duke eagerly.

The doctor wiped off the sweat trickling on his forehead as he faced Astraeus.

"I will be back tomorrow to check Her Highness again, Your Grace. If ever the princess wakes up before I arrive, make sure not to ask her of anything regarding what happened to her."

"I understand."

"Then I'll leave now."

Astraeus didn't bother looking at him. He only focused on watching her. If he could, he would heal her in an instant. But like the doctor said, they have to be careful. And even if the princess was allowing him to be close to her, he could still not take any risk to induce magic and heal her. It was indeed a gamble. A matter of life and death.

And as they worry for her, Henrietta's conscious was fleeting through the void. She was carelessly allowing herself to be asleep. She could wake up any moment now, but Henrietta chose to stay in the deepest consciousness of her mind.

It was as if she was searching for a meaning to make her come back to her life. After finding out the truth behind her birth, through the essence that swallowed her, she had lost any means to live. She even wanted to hate her mother for conceiving her only to retaliate to those who spat on her. She wanted to hate her father for neglecting her. She wanted to curse at everyone for bullying her, for hurting her and for getting angry at her when she did not do anything to deserve such things.

And more importantly, she wanted to hate herself for being too weak that she's unable to cut herself from everyone. Even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't. She had taken a deep liking to them enough for that affection to stop her from leaving the world.

But what could make her live? What purpose would she have to wake up and live her life once again?

"My dear child."

Henrietta's eyebrows knitted at the familiar voice invading her consciousness. She wanted to evade her, but she was too persistent to reach her.

"I want you to live a life of your own. One that you have chosen for yourself and not the one I had paved for you," the voice continued. "As a mother, I failed. I did not think of you when I was carrying you back then. But I am mostly regretful right now. And I came here to wish you a happy life. A life you have chosen that will make you happy."

A sad smirk appeared on her lips. Her eyes were locked at her hands that's fidgeting on her lap.

"I would make sure to die happily with the life you had blessed me, mother." It was a rebellious remark that might lead to her own tragedy, but she was undeniably ready to face it.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now