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[ DISCLAIMER: the following chapter contains scenes about a scary nightmare experience. Reader's discretion is advised. ]

Deep, heavy breaths erupted from my lips. My eyes were widely open, it was like I'm awake, but the heavy feeling engulfing my body tells me otherwise. My mind feels awake and aware of my surroundings. I tried moving my body, but I failed, I can only move my eyes and look around. I was still in my room. The moonlight coming from my room radiates clearly, sharing an ample amount of light in my room.

I tried moving desperately. I tried waking myself up, but I seem to be stuck in my current state.

My heart pounded roughly, as if it was ready to jump out. I was starting to feel scared as I felt an unknown presence surrounding my room. It feels like a familiar nightmare's starting to unfold right before my consciousness.

A terrifying feeling filled me when a familiar figure wearing a dark grey cloak appeared in front of me. It stood beside my huge window where I could clearly see the stranger's figure. I knew I recognize her, but for some reason, I feel so scared having her to show up in this dream of mine.


A great fear of apprehension trickled on my nape down to my spine upon hearing this familiar voice. My body flinched as it called my name again. I wanted to move or squirm away from my spot as the stranger kept on calling my name, with every second passing by, the stranger's tone was slowly starting to sound distorted and frightening.

A wave of horror washes over me when the stranger looked me in the eyes, her bloodshot eyes staring widely at me. Her lips were slowly curving upwards, forming a wicked smile. I wanted to scream, shout for help. I wanted to beg for everything to stop, especially when I heard her menacing laugh echoing through my room.

"Amethyst. You can't possibly erase everything about me." Her tone sounded as if she was possessed by an evil spirit, making every end of my nerves stand at their peaks.

My heart felt like it was sinking deeper when the figure moved closer and closer and closer.

I clearly knew that I was screaming, but no voice left my mouth. Her widened eyes continued to stare at me and I could only beg for anyone who could possibly hear me to wake me up from this dream.

I was drenched in sweat and panting heavily when I finally woke up. My body cower in fear as I realize what just happen. A nightmare.

I quickly backed away when I felt a warm hand touching my trembling hand. "Harriet... What happened?" Ah, it was Astraeus.

Slowly, the uneasiness that caged my entire being melted. I quickly moved closer to Astraeus─who was sitting on the side of my bed and hugged him tightly. My arms automatically tightened its grip around him when he tried to move away.

Honestly... I felt scared. Extremely... scared. But having someone beside me to comfort me during these times felt too comforting that I didn't want to let go of him yet.

It's been two weeks since I started having those hellish nightmares. It was always about that strange figure whom I spotted within the crowd. Luckily, Astraeus was able to look after me, mostly because he sleeps in my chambers in his albino snake form.

I wonder... is this punishment for taking their lives?

─── 𖥸 ───


"During our journey to the Nation of Talares, we were attacked by a couple of knights wearing black cloaks that were disguised as bandits. Other than them, a dark sorcerer appeared and attacked us as well, severely injuring the first imperial prince Hendrix Ambrose Leroux and the imperial crown princess' personal guard Sir Keita. Once we've arrived in the Royal Palace, someone had ordered a servant to pour a poisonous drug in the Grand Duke's tea, risking his health. Once the imperial crown princess, her imperial majesty Henrietta Amethyst le Clair took charge of the Grand Duke's tasks, she authorized me to investigate the matter."

Arthur paused for a second as he flips the page of the documents he was holding. His face looked much serious than he usually was. I didn't realize that he had potential for this kind of things, other than just sulking like a big puppy.

"Upon her imperial majesty's orders, I began to investigate everyone that was with us the whole journey. And the most suspicious people that we found were the late crown prince Aurelius Leroux, Marquess Louis de Berreau and their knight Sir Hayato deu Ché. I interrogated every servant that had contact with the three of them, and most of them confessed about what they knew." Arthur looked up to the King, awaiting for his approval to proceed.

King Rowan looked back at him and nodded his head, giving him permission to continue.

"Bring in the witness," Arthur commanded the royal guards.

Everyone were silent that we could hear every little noise coming from every corner of this room. I wasn't nervous at all, yet my hands were trembling.

After a day of resting, I quickly requested to continue the trial in the royal court. Aurelius might be dead, but his conspirators are still alive. We can't let them free because who knows what they might do against us again. Arthur stood in front of the Royal Council, below the King's throne, and with some nobles present at the royal court.

Uncle and Hendrix sat on the right side of the court, near the Royal Council, while Astraeus and I sat on the left side near the King. The Marquess and his conspirators kneeled in the middle part of the court, in front of Arthur and the King, and the Royal Guards surrounded them.

The doors opened and a shabby looking servant entered. Her head hung low and her body trembled as she approached the seat of the witness.

"Your Royal Highness, your excellency, your imperial majesty, and gentlemen. The mastermind behind the attacks and the attempted murder of his excellency are the late crown prince Aurelius Leroux and Marquess Louis de Berreau." A few nobles gasped in astonishment, while some scoffed in disappointment, but no one questioned Arthur's accusations. So he proceeded.

"I've obtained the testimony of the servant working under the late crown prince's order." Arthur nodded his head at the servant, giving her permission to confess.

The servant looked scared that she held both of her hands together and stated everything she knew. She confessed that she was the one who placed the poisonous drug in my uncle's tea under Aurelius' order. She also confessed that the Marquess had ordered her to drug the medicines of Hendrix and Keita to properly dispose of them. This almost succeeded, luckily enough, Lily's knowledgeable about herbal medicines that she quickly recognized a tampered medicine.

What surprised me though was the fact that Aurelius had ordered for his brother, King Rowan, to be drugged as well. It was a different drug that causes the person's mentallity to be manipulated.

A royal guard stepped forward, with him was the vial of the poisonous drugs that serves as a form of evidence.

The Marquess and the other nobles couldn't speak against every accusation thrown at them. They won't be able to do anything anyway; everything was already proven. And what's happening right now is only an act of formalities to legally execute them without a war breaking out.

The trial continued for hours. Arthur, who didn't look even tired from talking and standing, carried everything with precise. He revealed every crime they committed and provided conclusive evidences. The suspicious guards I saw that day and the contract found in one of those guards were evidences that they formed an illegal alliance with the Empire of Avaricia.

The King gave the remaining of the Royal Council time to talk between themselves in order to hear their opinions. After half an hour, the representative of the Royal Council, Sir George Whistler, stood up and spoke in behalf of the Council, giving their opinion. Luckily, they weren't against anything and handed the final verdict to the King without any hesitation.

The King finally stood up from his seat to announce his final decision.

"For attempting to hurt the Empire's imperial subjects and for attempting to murder a royalty and the Grand Duke, I hereby sentence Marquess Louis de Berreau and the rest of his conspirators to death. They will be executed today in the public guillotine and this will act as a warning to never betray and conspire against the Royal Family and the Imperial Family again."

Everyone was silent, no one dared to oppose the King's decision, not when the Grand Duke is watching.

A few more announcements were made before the King finally dismissed everyone.

It must have been hard for him, losing both a brother and a guardian at the same time. And even after that, I still didn't find out Aurelius' real goal behind this. I'm not convinced that he did this in order to just kill me or drive me out on a corner. There's something else that I'm feeling.

"Henrietta, let's go." I flinched when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.


A short flashback flashes through my mind upon looking at him. That day, Aurelius whispered something that made his body react in a way. I wonder what that may be...

"Are you okay?" He asked. After that day, he started looking at me with those eyes filled with worry and sadness.

"What's the matter, brother? Do you wish to tell me something?" I asked as I stare at him, hoping he'll tell me anything related to what Aurelius whispered to him.

He was somehow taken aback at my sudden question that it took him longer to respond.

"Maybe... I'll tell you once we return to the capital," he answered, smiling sadly at me.

He ruffled my hair before gently dragging me out of the Royal Court, followed by Astraeus and Arthur who were watching us since earlier.


─── 𖥸 ───


It's been a couple of nights since I started having trouble in sleeping. I can't help but feel scared that I might not be able to sleep properly anymore if I won't find anything. This may sound like me jumping to unreasonable conclusions, but I can feel that this has something to do with Aurelius and his goal.

And to Amethyst... To me...

My head ached as I entered the drawing room. It's been aching since I started getting less and less of sleep. I had gathered most of the people that was with us during the journey to Talares, excluding the maids and the other knights. They were about to stand up to greet me, but I quickly stopped them.

"Remain seated." The Grand Duke might be here, but even if he has the power as a proxy, I'm still higher than him in terms of official positions. I don't intend to abuse my power for nonsensical things, however, this one is definitely important.

The drawing room is an official place in the main palace where only the imperial bloodline has access. I invited them here since this is the only room I could hold a meeting, the office that I'm supposed to have access is still under construction. The drawing room isn't small in size, it's actually huge. It has four long couches and a queen-sized single couch, and a coffee table in the middle.

I sat at the queen-sized single couch and Astraeus stood beside me. I looked up to him and pointed at the long couches that everyone were occupying. "Sit over there. I need everyone's honest answers with my questions. If any of you will refuse to cooperate with me, then I won't have any choice but to consider that as a form of treason."

Astraeus sat beside Arthur. Uncle and Hendrix sat together, while Keita sat beside Sir Shotaro and Sir Reynolds. Everyone who are present right now are those who served the imperial family before I arrived, before the old Amethyst disappeared, maybe except for Astraeus since his father served the imperial family before him.

I waved my hand, silently dismissing my handmaidens. The room fell silent, no one dared to speak before me. They didn't look confused or nervous, they might have been anticipating this even before. Pretty stressing.

"Firstly, I want to know what Aurelius said before he died. Hendrix, share it to us." I won't ask nicely this time.

Hendrix didn't seem conflicted, unlike the last time I asked him. He glanced at his father, uncle, first before looking straight at me. "Aurelius' last words sounded like a form of confession," he started. The hands placed on his lap formed in to fists. "Everything was all done for the sake of the first princess Henrietta, is what he said."

My head throbbed even more. My heart started pounding achingly, and I felt the blood on the tips of my fingers getting colder upon hearing his words.

The first princess... could it be that she's alive?

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang