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Sorry in advanced for grammar mistake please bare with it..'

Sorry for late update..'

And grab your tissues..🧻

Members are looking at jimin with shocking eyes..' they doesn't know what he was talking about.
Especially Jin he was in extremely shock state and tears are started flowing from his eyes already. He really didn't have any bad intentions towards jungkook, But he was angry on him at the core but he doesn't want to expose his evil side to the members because from few days onwards jungkook stoped everything to torturing him and face him too. so Jin also didn't mind about him..' but when he remembered those moments he really felt like someone stabbing his heart so brutally..'

Jungkook throat became dry when he exposed his secret which it's happened biggest issue with Jin hyung..' he doesn't know what to say his band members and especially to his jimin..' what he will say to them..? And that too he want to sort out everything with Jin hyung..' but before that it happens like this.

"Tell me jungkook why you're not saying anything..? Did cat bit your tongue..? Just speak up ..' jimin said in stern voice. Which he glaring at with red blood shot eyes.
Jin came towards jimin and try to stop him for not telling to anyone but the younger was not listening his words.
"Jimin don't say anything just calm down and get into your room.
"Hyung wait why you've stopping jimin let him tell us. Namjoon said in deep dominating voice.

"You tell me jimin what jungkook did to Jin hyung..?

Jin was terribly shaking now when he remembered those abused and against words and tortured scenes.
Hobi held Jin stiffly which he shut his eyes tightly and sobbing so hardly..'

"Namjoon came infront of jimin and held his shoulders and asked him again with stern voice.
What he did to Jin hyung.? Just speak up...He asked him with low venomous voice which it's sends shivers to jungkook and taehyung when they heard Namjoon's deep anger voice.
Then jimin looked at jungkook which he was already looking at jimin with his broken teary eyes..'
"But now he didn't mind him because he was lot of anger on him which he really tortured his jin hyung so deeply and badly..'
taehyung held jungkook's arms for console him..' guilt was killing him when he thinking it's all this crap because of him..'

"Jungkook tortured Jin hyung by filling poisonous words in him..' to separate me and Jin hyung. Finally jimin revealed the truth which jungkook tortured his jin hyung so badly..' he make him more weak by his words...

Everyone eyes widened when they know the truth about jungkook's evil plan..' they're didn't expect this jungkook..' because jungkook favourite hyung was Jin. Then how can he could do this to his favourite hyung..? A lot of questions filled in their brains. And same time anger grew in them when they're seeing jungkook face.

Jungkook shut eyes slowly and tightly and now he have to be ready for the consequences which will happen now..' he can sense it now all his Hyungs will hate him and feel so disgusted about him.

Namjoon was in utter shock..' he doesn't know what to say..' he feeling disgusting right now towards jungkook..' he was really hating so much jungkook and taehyung now. They're both are really took wrong step. He couldn't know how to respond. Namjoon whole body felt numb and anger build inside him.
Jungkook feeling shame on himself..' he really took wrong step about Jin hyung..' he played selfish play card towards his Jin hyung..' he feeling disgusting towards him..' tears are dripping down from his eyes continuously.

Namjoon eyes turned into red colour he was ready to kill him which he did unforgivable mistake in his life and played with two innocent persons so horribly..' then he walked towards jungkook and He grab jungkook's collar tightly and ready to punch on his face.., when he raised his fist hand on him Jin stopped him by grabbing his hands..'
"No joonie please stop..' please.... Jin tried to stop him.. even taehyung also stopped namjoon.
But jungkook was standing quietly he think do whatever they want..' because he was ready to face any hard situations right now..' he didn't protest himself..' he stayed like quiet person.

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