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It's bright sunny day and the birds chirping are melodiously near the windows.
But in bangtan dorm.. it was very gloomy for them and dark pain to them
Yesterday events are really hitted them so hardly it's affected to their hearts so painfully..'
no one didn't have any dare to see eachother so every one locked them self in a room. The dorm was in deadly silence
Especially jin's, jungkook.,and jimin's room..
after some time hobi came outside from his room and heading to the living area. But their is no one in living area every morning when wake-up, instead of him every one wake-up early before he wake up. But today it's different. Everyone is their in respective rooms spending time alone.

But they shouldn't skip their morning breakfast right..' so hobi went to kitchen and prepared simple breakfast to everyone. Everytime Jin used to prepare breakfast.. but today Jin also didn't wake up early. So he thought let him sleep for while. After preparing breakfast he served on dining table and went to rooms to wake them up. He knocked everyone's door even he knocked jungkook's door too.
Some of them opened the door and came down for breakfast. Their faces was not cheerful everyone faces are so gloomy and hurt. Yoongi,taehyung and namjoon came down except those three members didn't came down..'
Namjoon didn't like it so he went himself to the three members to grab them down for breakfast.

Namjoon knocked the Jungkook's door after few knocks he finally opened the door with teary eyes..' but namjoon just give blank expressions to him without showing any feelings towards Jungkook. First He asked calmly to come down for breakfast. But jungkook didn't like the idea he said he didn't have any appetite. But namjoon just said him in stern voice. Jungkook didn't have any option so he said ok..' hesitately he came down for breakfast
his eyes was became red puffy..' he looking so horrible..' but latter was not staring at anyone he simply lowered his head down.

Jin said he didn't want to eat anything..' but namjoon pleaded him a lot but older was so stubborn he didn't step out from his room..' namjoon sighed heavily and give up on Jin for pleading him. Later he slowly took move towards to jimin's room. He thought jimin will also refuse to eat breakfast with them..' but namjoon was trying at least.
So he knocked jimin door but latter was not opening the door..'
the bangs was getting louder but still jimin was not answering anything..'
panicked started in Namjoon's mind..'
When he didn't opened the door so namjoon twisted the door knob luckily he didn't locked his door then he stepped inside and walking slowly into his room.

He called jimin but he didn't their in his room he furrows his eye brows he checked in bathroom but the younger was no where to be found. He checked in balcony but their is also not their..' namjoon frustratingly held his hair..'
he check his cupboards but his cupboard was empty..' his belongs are not their in his room..'
his heart was beating so faster..' he don't know what to do now..' he was terribly panicking..'

He ran quickly to dining area to inform to their members..'
when he went down Jin came to the dining area..' but he was looking like restless.. he was looking so messy and horrible..'
namjoon swallowed his lump multiple times he doesn't know how to say to his members especially to Jin hyung..' how will be he react..'
yesterday he felt lot of pain through jungkook.. now how will he react when he say jimin was missing..' he was shaking in fear.
Members are silently sat on their chair and eating calmly without muttered single word.

"Guys... namjoon slowly called them to get their attention.
Everyone looked at namjoon with blank expressions.

"J..jimin.. namjoon slightly stuttered because he was extremely nervous while saying to them..'
hobi looked at namjoon and said..
I know joon.. he won't come down.. I already prepared some breakfast and I will give his breakfast to his room..' hobi was about to go upstairs.. but when he heard Namjoon's words he slipped the food tray from his hands. His eyes widened..'

"Jimin was gone.."

Everyone stopped their eating and looked at namjoon with widen eyes...' they're doesn't know what he said..' their minds was just stopped for few minutes..' they should try to get process what he said..'

W..what..? Everyone said while stuttering.

Namjoon lowered his head down tears are dripping down from his eyes..'

"What you mean he's "gone"..? Yoongi asked him..'

"H..He was not in his room.." namjoon said..'

"Then he might be went somewhere..' go and call him..' or else go and search our dorm fully..' hobi said with panicked voice.

Taehyung.,jungkook., Jin everyone was in utter shock..' they're not getting any single word from their mouths..'

"I searched every where.. but he's not there.. a..and his cupboard was empty..'

No.... That's not true.. he did went anywhere.. you're just joking no it's not true..' yoongi said while crying..'

Then they're heard some rustle sound from near the table because of air..' but they're didn't mind. But when the sound was getting continuously Namjoon looked at the table but he knitted his eyebrows when he saw paper on it..
He slowly stepped towards the table and took the paper which it's neatly folded
But namjoon heart was beating so faster, he was feeling so nervous to open the letter but.. somewhat he have to do. With lot of heavy pain he opened the letter.. his eyes widened as expected it's letter from "jimin" which he neatly wrote with his beautiful calligraphy style but it's fully filled with painful words..'
everyone looking at namjoon with nervous and teary eyes..'
then namjoon started reading the letter.

"My dear Hyungs.."

This is me "your's jimin.. which the one who completely drowned with all your love.. but unfortunately I'm not here because I completely failed in "love" and in my life.. weird right..'
at first I felt so useless and disgusting person to this famous band. But latter I clearly understand I'm not worthy at least for "love" (a tear stain fell on the "love" word)
I failed in my first love..' so I thought it's my fate..' but when "jin" hyung also left me.. then I understand I was just useless "toy".. because no one care about my feelings.. I'm also human with feelings but no one care about my feelings and everyone taking their own decisions. They're didn't even asking me what I want, what I need..' I'm so tired hyung.. I'm really so tired..
I fed up with all these games ..' I can't take it anymore..' I don't know what I say more.. everyone trying to lead me as like their own toy


now it's my turn to take decisions..

I'm leaving.. don't try to find me..'  I just need some break from all these mess..' and thank you for all for taking me and baring me all these hard months.

"Good bye.."

Your's "BROKEN" heart

Paper fell down from Namjoon's hands when he finally completed the last sentence..' before he try to get processing to his mind he heard loud thud from his behind..' and his eyes widened..

Jin hyung....

Everyone screamed when they're saw "Jin" was laying on cold floor like lifeless body.

To be continued..

Don't worry guys only 3 or 4 chapters left. Please bare for it I will try to end this boring story asap..'

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