Chapter Thirteen

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Frances went upstairs to change and found that a new room had been prepared for her, a few doors down from Carleton's. She still had a view of the front drive but it was decorated in blue and cream without the rich wood panelling. Her clothes had been unpacked and put away, with the exception of course of those in her locked bag. A basin of warm water had been provided and she washed up before going downstairs, feeling hungry after her ride. A cold luncheon was laid out on the sideboard and she helped herself to a large plate of cold meat while she waited for his lordship. He joined her shortly and they sat down at the table.

"I intend to call on the Squire this afternoon," he advised. "Will you be alright here?"

"Yes indeed. I will practice my shooting if that is acceptable," Frances replied, relieved that he had not asked her to go with him. She needed some time alone. Although she knew she could trust Carleton, he had given her his word, she was anxious about whether his scheme would work. She had noticed he was already treating her differently than he had Peter Francis.

When they returned from their ride, he had stepped towards her as if he would assist her to dismount, a courtesy he would have offered without thinking to any woman of his acquaintance. Hastily she had swung out of the saddle protesting, "No - no, I can manage thank you. I am quite recovered!"

Carleton had come to an abrupt halt, realising his mistake. "Of course. I'm sorry, Peter."

Meanwhile Carleton was being welcomed by Squire Herbert and his wife. Part of him was conducting a civil conversation but another part was still thinking about Frances. He had yet to recover from the shock that she was a woman. Immense relief had been his initial reaction because it had released him from a private hell, but then he had felt furiously angry that he had made such a fool of himself.

Now however, his feelings were more complicated, and sheer amazement was not the least of them. How incredible that she should have fenced so well with Maestro Mancini and outshot his friends and himself so brilliantly.

"While you are here, Richard," the Squire was saying, "I was wondering if I might send Jeremy over to you, to meet your agent and see what the work would entail. Give him a chance to decide if that is what he wants to do with his life."

Carleton nodded his agreement. Jeremy was the son who was interested in learning about estate management. Squire Herbert filled him in on the local news until eventually he took his leave and swung himself onto Diabolo to complete his appointed round of visits.

Back at Chatswood, Frances finished her shooting practice and returned to the house. The thought had occurred to her that she might find some reference to the Murray family in one of the many books in the library. Mrs Madden showed her into the room pleasantly enough, but she fancied that for some reason the housekeeper disapproved of her. At one time she caught a speculative look in her eyes and wondered for a moment if by any chance she had guessed she was not what she seemed.

"She is probably merely anxious to see that I am not imposing myself on Carleton," Frances concluded reassuringly. "Which of course, I am!" she admitted with a wry smile. There was a comfortable deep leather armchair in the library and she curled up cosily in it with a pile of books at her elbow. Carleton found her there on his return. Frances immediately stretched her legs out in a more masculine pose, then sat forward, her arms on her knees.

"Hullo, what are you reading?"

Frances smiled up at him, "I am looking through some local histories." She paused and said consideringly, "You may be able to help me more though. Do you know anything about a Lady Julia Murray?"

He frowned, "Murray? No I don't think so... wait a minute, I believe there is an older lady of that name living in London, but I think her Christian name is Anna. Would she be the one? It is coming back to me now ... I remember there was a daughter, or perhaps two, but I am fairly sure she died some years ago. Maddy might know more, shall I ask her?"

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