Chapter Five

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Frances allowed herself a quick sigh of relief. One hurdle had been cleared, now on to the next. Night had fallen by the time they drew up outside the residence of Lord and Lady Dalrymple. Burning torches lit the entrance and a steady stream of beautifully dressed guests were making their way in. She waited a few minutes as a large party got out of several coaches and reformed, laughing together, on the pavement. 

In a flash she was out of her carriage and had attached herself to the rear of them. She followed them up the steps keeping just far enough behind not to attract their attention. She pretended to stumble on the top step and then hurried after them, with a petulant "Well, I do think you might wait for me!" Looking neither right nor left at the doormen, she passed unchallenged into the hallway.  

Lord and Lady Dalrymple were standing just inside the doorway ahead to welcome guests, smiles fixed on their faces. Frances followed her camouflage party. Before her courage could desert her, she curtseyed to her hosts and said smilingly, "Tonight I am Diana, my Lord". 

The rather portly gentleman before her looked a bit taken aback, then said gallantly, "A goddess, indeed!" and bowed her through to his wife. Frances curtseyed a second time and moved on without speaking again. She had done it! She was in. For a moment relief threatened to overwhelm her but she breathed deeply and soon found her way to the centre of the ballroom. 

Almost immediately a tall Harlequin approached her for a dance and Frances found herself whirling around the ballroom. It was all very informal and she enjoyed herself immensely. After dancing for nearly an hour with several different partners, she remembered her primary purpose in attending. She disengaged herself with some difficulty from a young red haired Walter Raleigh and went looking for the powder room. It was upstairs and crowded as usual with young girls chattering about their admirers. On the pretext of pinning up a torn hem Frances sat down quietly in a corner and listened. 

"Lord Henley has asked me to dance twice already ..." 

"and I said I'd be delighted if only ..." 

"Have you seen what Honoria is wearing?" 

"Is the one all in black Jack Lambert do you think?" 

Suddenly out of the medley of gossip, Frances heard a familiar name and she leant a little closer. 

"Mama wishes me to accept Lord Carleton - if he offers for me, but he's so cold! I'd rather have someone lively and gay like Jack Lambert. You're so lucky, Amanda, although nothing has been announced yet has it?" The young voice added thoughtfully. The owner was a girl of perhaps eighteen, with golden curls, a pink rosebud mouth and large blue eyes, rather close set, thought Frances nastily to herself. She was exquisitely dressed in a pale blue gown and wore a string of pearls around her slender neck. 

Her companion would have been considered pretty enough if she had been alone, but she appeared dull and ordinary next to the blonde vision. Brown ringlets framed her face and her pale pink gown was in the latest fashion. She was using her black mask as a fan and paused for a moment to reply confidently "No, nothing has been arranged yet but 'tis only a matter of time now mama says. After all it would be such a suitable match with his lands so near to Fenhurst." 

"I find it difficult to picture Jack settling down to a quiet life in the country! What about his opera dancers?" exclaimed her friend. 

"Really, Rosamond!" protested Amanda with a frown, "I don't know what you mean!" She put the mask back on her face rather forcefully. "Are you ready yet? We should return to Aunt Louisa." 

Rosamond laughed and glanced quickly again in the mirror. "Yes, I'm ready. By all means let's find Aunt Louisa." The two girls went out together. 

Frances continued to sew, her head bent down over her lap. She had almost finished when another young girl burst into the room holding a trailing hem above the floor. Grey eyes met blue and they both laughed. 

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