Chapter Six

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Bright sunshine woke Frances later than usual the next morning and she suddenly remembered she had an appointment that afternoon with Lord Carleton at Manton's pistol gallery. She hadn't been intending to keep the appointment, but now she reconsidered. She did not yet know enough about Lady Murray, or her circumstances, to allow her to make any decisions as to her future. However, what with Peter Francis being acquainted with Lord Carleton and Diana Murray becoming fast friends with Sammy Fairfax and Jack Lambert, her future was looking complicated to say the least! 

She dressed hastily in her male attire and went down to breakfast. A quick mental calculation of her remaining funds persuaded her that she would soon need an income. Perhaps she should take up Carleton's offer to introduce her to his club and she could try to win a few guineas! A moments reconsideration warned her how risky that would be, and she put aside the idea regretfully. 

Peter Francis sauntered out of the Pelican shortly after noon and made 'his' way through the narrow streets towards Manton's gallery. She loved walking in London, looking at the shops and stalls and the wide variety of people all going about their business, maids scurrying on messages, busy housewives buying cloth to take home and sew into sturdy waistcoats or pretty dresses, and of course young men of leisure wandering between entertainments. 

Carleton was already there when she arrived, waiting outside the building. He smiled to see her and greeted her almost as an old friend. He led the way, pushing open the heavy door which allowed the noise of pistols exploding and men shouting to rush out into the street. She followed him inside and along a corridor, past a room filled with unruly men, and into a larger, quieter, gallery obviously reserved for the upper classes. On the far side, a young man of about twenty was practising rather erratically, watched by an attendant with a bored eye, but otherwise the room was empty. 

Playing cards were set up near the far wall in various patterns as targets and several weapons were displayed in a locked cabinet near the door for the use of those patrons who had not brought their own. Carleton was carrying a box with two duelling pistols in it. He opened them up for Peter's inspection. "I had them made for me here in London. What do you think? Would you like to try one out?" 

Frances picked up one of the pistols with interest and balanced it in her hand. "Nice," she murmured appreciatively. She held it at arm's length, pointing it down the gallery towards the targets and taking aim. "Yes, I'd like to try one of these, my Lord." Carefully she replaced it in the box and looked at him. 

"But we are competing are we not? In which case I would prefer to use my own. I only have one I am afraid but you are very welcome to use it if you would like to." As she spoke, Frances took a smaller silver plated pistol from an inside coat pocket and handed it to him to inspect. "It's Spanish" she explained. 

"It feels very light," Carleton commented dubiously. 

Frances smiled confidently. "One does not need a cannon to hit the ace of spades, my lord, you'll see." She paused, "Are you a good shot?" 

A little taken aback by her directness, he demurred, "I'm considered a fair shot I believe." 

"Well in that case, as our wager is between friends, shall we say five guineas, my Lord?" 

Carleton frowned, a little offended, "You sound as if you expect me to lose!" he retorted. 

Frances smiled deprecatingly, "Well, you see, I am considered an excellent shot. I wouldn't want to take advantage of our friendship!" 

He regarded her a moment through narrowed eyes, then laughed. "I'll be damned if I know what your lay is, youngster. By all means let it be five guineas if you wish - I'll take you to dinner on it! Best of three?" 

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