Chapter 14: The Attack

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Bob placed Jack-Jack on the ground in the backyard, while Vince, Dash, and (Y/n) watched.

"Ready? Laser eyes."

Jack-Jack activated his laser eyes.


He stopped.


"Yay, Jack-Jack!"

"Yeah, baby!"

"And that's not all. Watch this." Bob picked him up and held him like a gun. "Alright Jack-Jack. Blaster ready? Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew."

With each 'pew' sound, Jack-Jack fired his laser eyes.

"No way!" Dash exclaims.

Vince and Dash began fighting over who would get to shoot Jack-Jack across the lawn.

"Hey, I'm just demonstrating. No firing the baby around the house. You understand? This is potentially dangerous."

They all laughed.

"And we're trying to teach him to control his powers, okay?"

A beeping noise was heard and Bob pointed to the device in Vince's hands.

"Stop, see the screen?" Shortly after saying that Jack-Jack disappeared.

"He vanished!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

They all wandered back in the house and Bob showed them how to use the device to see where Jack-Jack is in the other dimensions.

Once they spotted him, Jack-Jack reappeared on a rock, and Dash gave him a cookie, and they all cheered for him.

As Dash, Vince and (Y/n) were playing with Jack-Jack, Bob heard an alarm beeping. He rushed into the office and opened a secret compartment that held two phones. One has his insignia, and the other had Helen's.


"Elastigirl's in trouble." Evelyn said.

"What? What happened to her?" He panicked.

"Sorry to tell you on the phone. Meet me on our ship at DevTech."

"The ship at DevTech. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Bob promised.

He then switched the call to someone else.

"Lucius? Bob. Helens in trouble. I need someone to watch the kids. Suit up. It might get weird."


"I'll be there. ASAP. Fifteen tops." Lucius told him.

He hung up the phone and pressed a button on a remote to reveal the hidden compartment for his super-suit.

"Where you going ASAP? You better be back ASAP. And leaving that suit!"


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