Chapter 6

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Assalam please follow and do your salats first this book can always wait. I do not want anyone missing out their prayer because of my book.



Whoever has voted for any of my chapters you are much appreciated. Thanks alot. Means so much to me. If you are reading this and you did read my (before you begin) part on this book you would know that this is my second book on Wattpad which I posted and the first book I deleted. I didn't tell you guys this but the reason I deleted the previous book is because it had very little people reading it and almost nobody voted let alone comment. I really do want to finish this book and I need your support to keep on writing. Please show your support😭.

Another note guys my book wouldn't be eidit anymore and the updates will also be slow so pls try and bear with me

Narrator Pov

It is late at night and two souls are restless in thoughts of one another.

On the one hand Layla is unable to sleep as the horrible encounter keeps playing in her head. My life was again going to be ruined and this time for real she thought.

But Mr Azaan saved you. Her mind reminds her. Her thoughts once again drift to Azaan and the way he fought for her.

Since Layla don't have friends, well except for Azaan her new and only  friend. What she needs is a childhood friend who knows her inside out, her mind talks to her like one of the friends she never had. A friend who can never betray her. A friend who knows everything without being inform and a friend who's trust can never break.

On the other hand Azaan lays in his bed restless. He is on his stomach with one hand out taking his pillow and patting it, imaging it to be Layla.

His eyes are closed but his mind is wide awake and holding the pillow in his hand hugging it.

"Daddy!" Noor shouts ranning into Azaans room. He doesn't lock his room door as Noor occasionally sleeps with him.

"What happen baby?" Azaan asks Noor with sleepy eyes. He isn't angry that Noor disturbed his dream about Layla. He is actually happy because his dream was about to move towards something haraam (forbidden in Islam).

"I had a bad dream. They took mommy away again." she cries out.

Noor had dreams of how the accident happened when she was just two years old.

"Baby, came sleep next to daddy. It was just a dream okay. It isn't real." he says to the innocent child.

Azaan knows that he had lied to Noor because Azaan had a feeling that she was getting flashbacks of that night. The dreadful night. The night which took both Azaan and Noor's world away.


Layla Pov

The next morning I'm in the mood to make breakfast so I make pancakes and coffee for myself, while I made tea and pancakes for Nana and Nani (grandparents).

"Assalam my child, you up so early?" Nani (grandmother) asks me.

"Yes Nani, I felt like making something this morning so I made pancakes and tea for you and Nana (grandfather)." I smile a cheerful smile.

"I'm not feeling too good today, can you make lunch also then you can take some with you."

"Okay Nani" I smile because I love cooking, not all the time but I really do.

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