Chapter 27

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Mrs Khan is Layla mother. I'm tired of calling her Layla mother as if she doesn't have a name of her own.

NB: I know it seems as if I'm rushing to end this book, but honestly it's been so long that I'm writing this and I'm getting bored because it's not ending so yeah.

Narrator Pov

After going towards the garden at the back side of the house Azaan phone starts ringing. He takes out his phone and sees that it is Noor who is calling.

"Excuse me, it's my daughter I won't be long." saying this he gets up from his seat and walks a little away to answer his call after Layla mother gives a small nod in his direction.

"Your friend looks quite young to be a father already." Mrs Khan (Layla mother) asks in a cheerful manner.

"Actually, biological she is his niece but by heart she is his own daughter." Salman smiles in her direction.

"So are you going to mention my daughter Layla or what." Mrs Khan asks really confused as Salman hasn't send a word until now.

"Actually that's Azaan thing he wants to talk to you. You know your daughter Layla is like the sister I never had. She really seems like she is blood related to me." Salman starts and goes on about how close he feels he is with Layla.

Mrs Khan for a moment though of Salman as a potential son in law but the moment he mentioned seeing Layla as a sister her smile disappeared into deep frawn with  disappointment.

They were both silent for a moment and when Azaan returns to his seat and sits down like a gentleman.

"Oh my word, look at my hospitality. I didn't even offer the two of you anything I'll be right back." Mrs Khan says jumping out of her seat.

"No, thank you Mrs Khan you don't need to bother." Azaan says getting nervous as the time passes by.

"Nonsense! Tea or coffee for the two of you."

"Tea, with no sugar" Azaan says while Mrs Khan gives him an amused look but doesn't say anything.

She then looks at Salman and he quickly mumbles. "Coffee with three sugars."

Interesting the one friend likes tea without sugar and the other likes coffee and that too with three sugars she thought while walking into the kitchen. I guess opposite attracts much quicker.

After making the tea and coffee she pours them in tea cups and places them in a tray bring them outside to the garden.

They each take their tea and coffee before Azaan starts explaining.

"I'm Azaan, Fatima's brother." Azaan can see Layla mother boiling in anger but she is trying her best to prevent herself from bursting out of anger.

He hands her the letter that Fatima wrote and says. "Fatima is no more. She deeply regrets what she had done to Layla and before dieing she left this letter behind. The reason behind not caming much soon is that I only knew Layla name, Fatima didn't mention her surname or anything which is why I only came now."

Mrs Khan grabs the letter and starts reading it over and over again.

"My sister deeply regrets what she did to your daughter. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive her." Azaan whispers the last part but she hears him.

Azaan is so broken infront of the mother of his life's loves and he can't meet her eyes so he looks away unable to say anything while Mrs Khan stares him down with an angry frawn.

She wanted to blurst her anger out yet she knew that giving Fatima punishment to her brother is not right so she says. "I don't know if my daughter forgave your sister or not but I'm her mother and I can never forgive someone who oppressed my daughter. Whether she did it willing or unwilling. I will try to forgive her since I want my Allah (swt) forgiveness, however I can only try once my husband forgives Layla even though she never did a thing wrong."

"I'll give this letter to my husband and tell him it's an anonymous sender, you can give me your phone number and I will let you know how thing work out. However I don't thing it would be easy for him."  Mrs Khan shakes her head in denial while saying this.

Azaan and Salman decides not to came again but fly back to India as it's already been a whole week.


After caming from work Mr Khan is extremely tired so he politely ask Mrs Khan to make him a hot cup of tea as he takes a seat in lourch on the sofa.

Mrs Khan quickly makes him his hot cup of tea and puts it into a tray, something she never does unless there are guests at home.

She rans into their room and takes the letter goes back into the kichen placing the letter on the tray.

Mr Khan is shocked, when he sees his wife running out of the kitchen and goes to their room and back into the kitchen holding something that looks like a letter in her hands.

Soon she cames out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands.

"Am I going mad today..." Mr Khan whispers, but Mrs Khan hears him.

"No your not my sweetheart. There is something special in this letter, I found in our inbox which you need to read with you tea." she smiles sweetly at him.

Way to manipulate your husband Mr Khan thought. Funny this time he only thought and did not whisper as his wife has ears such as a vampire. Wait a minute vampires can read your thoughts too.... I'm so dead.

"Did you say something?" Mrs Khan asks raising her eyebrows.

" nothing." he stutters

"Your hiding something from me aren't you that's why your stuttering so much."  Mrs Khan glares at him.

Mr Khan makes a funny face and says. "I'm the intermedating one always. Since when did you learn to make me intermedated. Don't tell me it because I left without saying anything back to you this morning." this time Mrs Khan looks scared and instead holds up his cup of tea for him, which he has long forgotten about.

She wanted to make the environment cheerful before he reads the letter but ended up being scared herself.

Mr Khan takes the cup out of her hand and takes a sip and placed it back on the tray taking out the letter and opening it.

After reading the letter tears pull into his eyes and he starts shaking with regret, while Mrs Khan is shocked at his reaction. He stands up but falls back down and crys harder.

"My beloved daughter, I never believed her. I believed someone else over her." he mumbles crying out loud.

"They say a father is suppose to protect the dignity of his daughters before they are married, but look at what I did. I'm responsible for my daughters distress over so many years. Where can she be?"

Mrs Khan let's him take out his inner sorrow before she speaks again. "Layla dad" Mrs Khan begins. She tells him everything how she sent Layla to her parents house ten years ago and now Layla has succefully become a teacher.

"I want to go to my daughter Layla mother. I want to go to her. I want her forgiveness and I'm prepared to do anything for her." He crys out loudly shaking his head when she tries to smoothen him.

"I'm glad you have realised your mistake, but we can't just leave now. We need to see for tickets. We need to buy gifts and so many more things for our darling daughter." Mrs Khan let's out a small sob which breaks her insides.


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