Chapter 19

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Asalaam everyone so here the chapter. I know I've made you guys wait too long and all but this was a really hard chapter to write and I'm sorry about the wait.

So please do read and I want feedback please because I've written this with too much thinking and I don't really need much thinking because ideas always flows to me.

⚠️ this chapter contains some sentive topics. If you have ever got thought a terrible pass please don't read this chapter. You are warned beforehand.

Narrator Pov

Layla has reached Salman lawyer firm. As she steps out of the cab she was seated inside she came into a breathtaking view.

The building was beautiful would be an understatement. It has a contrast of gold and silver.

She walks into the building. How out of place she looked thought Layla. She had never seen something as beautiful as this before.

The outside was a beauty but the interior detour was ever more beautiful than the outside.

She quickly composes herself and walks towards the receptionist who was busy in glaring at Layla with hate in her eyes.

I'm pretty sure this low class stupid women is here to ask for some stupid addresses because she got lost. Thought the receptionist.

"Good afternoon." Layla greets the receptionist.

"Good afternoon." the receptionist greets back arrogantly. "How may I help you." she says sarcasticly

If this was the old Layla she would have just ignore the sarcasm in her voice to and talk nicely, but this is the new Layla which nobody messes with.

"Firstly, you need to learn to talk correctly without any sarcasm in your voice. Secondly I'm sure Salman wouldn't like you talking to the customers in such mannerism."

"How dare you! Stay in your limits, you can't just storm here and call our boss by his name...."

"Ms Fortuin how dare you shout at my babhi (sister in law)...... I mean at my customers. You are fired."  Salman says in angry and turns to the rest of his employees.

"If I hear or see anyone else doing what Ms Fortuin was doing here or even the slightest of misbehavior with anyone you can kiss you job goodbye." Salman roared in angry.

"But sir, this woman was calling sir by sir's name...."

"Layla the lift in that way go to the 25th floor and ask anyone directly to my cabin and wait for me there."

"Okay" saying this Layla walks away and Salman glares at the receptionist.

"I know this woman personally she is a would be family members and don't you dare talk to anyone in that manner. In any case your fired now."

"Sir, please don't fire me. I'm a single mom sir please."

"You'll get compensation. You have until tomorrow to resign or I'll write in your portfolio that I fired you, with all the correct reasons and after that only the Lord knows who will give you a job. It would count in your favour if you resign otherwise if I fire you then you yourself know how difficult it would be to get another job choice is yours." Salman says storming to his office.

On the other hand Layla is in the lift. Why did he call me babhi and ever accidentally. People only think about things and slip of tongue when they have that in his heart. Though Layla

Stupid Layla you think too much, saying this Layla hits her head at her own stupidity.

She then asks the first person about Salman cabin and walks inside. She is unsure if she needs to sit or wait until given permission.

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