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Of all the things that her management could sign her up for, it has to be a reality show. Luna was exhausted, having the cameras following her every move was nothing new, but to have the same thing happening inside their house was a completely different thing. 

It was the last day of filming for the variety show and she couldn't wait for it to over. Timmy would be flying back to San Diego the following day, and it was a bummer that she couldn't hang out with him until the filming was over. The kid was staying in Lexus condo an hour away from their estate.

Penny, the show director asked her about her plans for the final part of the filming, and Luna who usually lay in bed all day on her precious rest day was left with a huge burden of doing something grand and a little less boring than lazing off in bed. Thanks to that, France had an excuse to throw a garden party to save her sorry ass.

"Are you sure about this Babe?" She asked for the fifth time, it was seven in the morning and their lawn was now filled with boxes of chinaware that her mother owned and a bunch of decors that will be used to decorate the place. France did all the preparation last night and Fiona, his poor assistant was already knocking on their door before the sun even graced the sky. 

"Babe, relax. It won't be a wild party like old times, it's just a dinner celebration. Besides you don't have any better ideas, right?" he was right, throwing a spontaneous garden dinner doesn't sound that bad, but remembering how France used to do parties, Luna couldn't shake the foreboding feeling at the back of her mind. 

The dinner will be held on their lawn area, France and Fiona set three long tables covered in white and yellow tulips centerpieces, the huge sycamore tree was decorated with small lanterns that will surely light up the place. The place looks cozy and romantic and for a garden party, France surely outdone himself again. 

"By the way, who will be there?" she asked curiously since France handled the guestlist himself leaving a clueless Luna to wonder who will be attending the dinner or not. Aside from Fiona, Lexus decided not to come for Luna's protection and the fact that if Lexus came, they have no choice but to bring Timmy in there since no one will be left behind to watch the little Cooper on his place. 

"The twins will be there since Caleb isn't here, so they volunteered to be his representative," France replied with a shrugged. 

"Who? Finn and Levi? Are you kidding me France? You do realize that they are some sort of a celebrity now, right?" Luna exclaimed, a little bewildered about the fact that France didn't seem to understand the consequence of having the Black twins around. The Dallas Cowboys aside, Finn and Levi Black have their own fan base outside the football arena and the last thing Luna wants was to be caught up in a scandal with either of them. 

"Babe, you think I didn't argue with Caleb about that!? You know he's just as stubborn as you are," France throw her a not-so-subtle glare, probably knowing that she was about to argue about what he just said, "and besides, Lexus talked with them last night, so if they did something that can ruin your reputation, rest assured that he will take care of it."


"Babe, I hate to break it to you, but you don't have that many friends but us remember?" Luna frowned in defeat; it was a fact that she knew all too well but hearing it from France surely stings, it's not like she wanted to be so isolated from the rest of the world. But for someone who had been abandoned not once but twice, it was the only way she knows how to cope and protect herself from the pain of being left behind. 

"I really don't think this is a good idea," Luna muttered, ignoring France rolling his eyes at her. Although the staff and crew signed a non-disclosure agreement, no one could tell what would happen once the twins join in the filming. Just the thought of having strangers in their property was a risk in itself, the house alone was filled with secrets that the three of them sheltered for the last few years since moving in. Secrets that weren't meant for anyone else to know but them.  

"Babe stop it already, it's too late to change everything now, the crew will be here in two hours you know," France pulled another linen fabric out of the box, tossing it to Fiona who looks a minute away from passing out. 

"If anything happens today, remember that you and Lexus will have to deal with it, I'm out of here," she declared, emphasizing the reality that if something happens, her friends have no other choice but to deal with it since they insisted on doing the show anyway. She doesn't want to do the show in the first place, but her dad was the one to blame, Chase Greene was a good friend of the show producers, and of course, her father decided to do the honor of accepting the job on her behalf, again. 

Without waiting for France response, Luna back into the house, Cheetos following behind her. The two of them found their way to the farthest room on the second floor, the white door looking back at them, taunting her to open it and face the emptiness inside. Her hand lingers on the cold metal, wondering if entering the room today will do her any good knowing what was waiting for her on the other side of the door. 

As if sensing her growing anxiety, Cheetos whimpered next to her. His black droopy eyes darted from the door to her. Luna took a breath before twisting the knob mechanically as the emptiness welcomed them along with a sharp stabbing pain on her chest. Cheetos following her reluctantly. 

The sunlight peering through the floor to ceiling glass wall on the right side of the room, the branches of the tall sycamore tree swaying along with the wind, and a part of the lake could be seen from there. Everything seems perfectly orchestrated just as Toby envisioned in the past, a warm room where they would be dancing in the morning light and welcomed the night on each other's arms. Luna smiled bitterly, remembering how the room came to life only to shelter a memory of a future that already seized to exist. 

"Hey Cooper," she whispered into nothingness, ignoring the growing lump on her throat knowing that no one was there to greet her back. A few small picture frames sitting on top of a single shelves, along with two paintings that Tyra asked her to keep when she left San Diego for good. The room was completely empty, no furniture nor anything else. Just like the void that filled her heart since he left her for good. 

"France will be hosting a party later, yeah ... silly I know. You don't like parties, don't you?" Cheetos stared at her with curious eyes, rubbing his black fur against her legs as the first tear escaped her eyes. France would definitely throw a fit about her puffy eyes later, but for now, Luna couldn't care less about anything else.

"I miss you," Luna find herself lying on the cold floor, Cheetos whimpering softly next to her. The sunlight pierces through the glass wall, penetrating into her pale skin, Luna closed her eyes, hoping that the warm would reach her frozen heart. 

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