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Kyler received a call from the producer of the show--24hrs with the Star--it's a reality show that follows a celebrity for a whole day, a publicity stunt most of the time, and a show that he wouldn't waste his time watching on Saturday night. But Kyler accepted the offer for two reasons, first, the show producer was a good friend of him, and second, he needed a distraction from a certain woman that's been invading his mind for a while now.

The filming for the movie was postponed for the next three days, Luna called in sick, and Asher had an overseas affair to tend to, leaving Kyler in the comfort of his condominium on a Wednesday with nothing to do and a ton of time to think about everything that went down a couple of days ago.

His cousin Paynes was long gone from his place when he returned home that night, with no words nor a single goodbye. He just left. It was probably the weirdest thing that his cousin did, but Kyler let it pass, hoping that Paynes would call him sooner rather than later.

His phone started ringing somewhere, breaking the silence inside his place. Too listless to care, Kyler refused to move away from his couch, letting the call go straight to voicemail. But the guilt seeped into his nerves so fast he was calling the number before he could even think straight. It was not like him to ignore phone calls in the first place.

"Kyler Bennett speaking," he greeted begrudgingly, hoping that his voice didn't reflect too much of his mood.

"Who pissed on your cereal Lil bro?" Hearing a familiar baritone voice, Kyler groaned in annoyance, slamming his body back to the couch.

"What do you want Keith? Please tell me you didn't get yourself in trouble again,"

"I see you miss me so bad Lil bro,"

"What do you want?" Call him rude but he knows his brother more than anyone, and a sudden phone call from him was either good or definitely bad news. And he'll always go for the latter.

"What do you say about spending the weekend with Felicity?" Kyler rolled his eyes in response, wondering what he did wrong to deserve such treatment from his one and only brother.

If there's one person in the world that Kyler Bennett both loves and hates it's the sight of his eight-year-old niece, Felicity Bennett. She's adorable as hell but definitely a pain in the ass. The last time the child stayed with him for the weekend, Kyler had to get his hair cut off because Felicity stuck gum on it while he was sleeping in peace. It was a terrible experience.

His sister-in-law died of brain tumor, leaving his brother a widow and a single dad at twenty-six. Felicity was two when her mother died, juggling between a full-time real estate job and raising a child alone, Keith Bennett had it rough. Kyler used to babysit Felicity up until she was five, and then Keith decided to move out with his daughter and live on the coast of Santa Barbara. It was fine until she started acting up, and it frustrates the two brothers. Not knowing what to do with her.

The little girl has her mother's hazel brown eyes and the Bennett's dark brown curly hair, she looks like a living doll, minus the attitude. Despite his internal protest to decline his brother's request, Kyler knew that Keith had so much on his plate right now, and besides having Felicity might help to distract him from thinking too much about Luna Cooper.

After almost three hours of cleaning and hiding possible threats for himself that Felicity may use to harm him, Kyler's now ready to face the little devil of a niece that's coming his way. Or so he thought.

"Felicity Bennett, I told you not to eat on my couch!" he groaned for the third time, an hour since Felicity and his brother came and Kyler had enough. His little niece was surely testing his patience.

"I give up," Kyler slumped on the carpeted floor, completely exhausted from running around the living room, ignoring his brother who was clearly enjoying their banter a little too much.

"Hang in there lil bro," Keith handed him a can of coke, as he settled next to his lying figure, and Felicity followed suit as she nestled in between them.

"How come you're uglier than dad, Uncle Ky?"

"Hey!" the two yelled in protest, Felicity simply rolled her eyes at them.

"You see that attitude?" Kyler gasped, eyeing his brother who was snuggling the little brat in his arms.

"Shut it, bro, anyway, I heard about the film. Congrats dude,"

"Thanks, you'll have to be there for the premiere, yeah?"

"Of course, Fel and I will be there. Right Fel?" But Felicity was too engrossed on his huge plasma TV to care about them.

"Dad, who is she?" she asked with a huge smile on her face, the two turned their head on the screen. It was one of Luna's commercials, a brand endorsement for a new cellphone model that will be released the following month. Kyler hadn't seen the commercial before, and yet one look and he was completely mesmerized. Luna has a sweet and innocent visual, a face like an angel with her golden-brown eyes that were too captivating to ignore and perfectly shaped lips that can drive a man out of his wit.

"I think you should ask your uncle about it Fel, it seems like he knew the woman really well," Kyler stared blankly at him, biting down his retort before Keith figured out the things that he was too stubborn to acknowledge himself.

"She's my lead actress by the way," But his mouth was too stubborn for his own good, watching his brother's brows arched in question that he chose to ignore.


"Little champ, what do you want to eat?" Kyler asked, Felicity had been looking at the menu board for the last five minutes, trying her best to decide what she wanted to have for dinner. Dining out for dinner was definitely not part of the plan, but Kyler completely forgotten about restocking her fridge for his niece's sudden visit, in his defense, he was too busy with work to even cook meals anyway.

His brother Keith left an hour ago, with a promise of picking Felicity tomorrow night. Not that Kyler really mind having Felicity at his place for a night or two, with everything going on with his brother, it was the least that he could do. But knowing Keith, he wouldn't have any of it.

"I want spaghetti Uncle Ky,"

"Funny Fel, there's no spaghetti on the menu," he pointed out making his niece pout.

"But I want spaghetti,"

"Oh dear, you're the one who decided about Wendy's remember?"

"Fine, I want the salad,"

"Felicity Amaya Bennett," Kyler muttered slowly, throwing her a warning gaze, because there's no way that his niece would have salad for dinner.

"I want a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, large fries, and a large coke please," she recited to the crew who took their order, the woman smiling brightly at her, completely oblivious of the child's playful attitude.

The two of them catch up while savoring their food, Felicity was in second grade now, and seeing her happy face while talking about her life in Santa Barbara put Kyler's heart at peace, knowing that his brother was doing a wonderful job in raising Felicity alone.

"Yes Mommy, I'm here with Luna already. I'll call you later, I love you," The sound of Luna's name from a boy he barely knew caught his attention, it was not his intention to eavesdrop, but Kyler couldn't help it when they were sitting near the counter where a long line of people was still waiting for their order.

Dude, get a grip, she's not the only girl whose name was Luna, Kyler wanted to punch himself for being too obvious about his growing obsession with the actress, it was far from the man that he was before she came into the picture. Kyler doesn't chase women, and yet with Luna, everything doesn't make sense and he hates being out of control of his own emotions.

"Uncle Ky, you, okay?" the worried look on his niece's face brought him back to reality. He needed a break for anything that had to do with Luna Cooper, but it was easier said than done.

"Yeah, are you done? let's go home then. It's getting late," Felicity nodded and they walked out of the restaurant with her tiny hands on him not realizing that the woman who's been bugging his head was just a few cars away from him.

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