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Humming in the busy street of the city, Jiyeon walked down the side walk with her eyes observing everything around her. Especially the faces she encounters at the busy street.

It's been days already since the incident inside the coffeehouse happened. And since then, Jiyeon never misses a day to wander around the city in hopes to see the man again.

To see Jungwon again.

Though all those days have been a total failure. She never saw, nor see a glimpse of the man once again. And it's making her sad. Upset even.

But that is not enough reason for Jiyeon to stop. Because yes, their story might be written in history but what if, what if it suddenly changed?

What if one day, she finds herself in the present days and there's no Jungwon nor Jiyeon in history?

Those questions, those thoughts, are one of the reasons why she doesn't give up yet. Why she doesn't want to give up yet.

"My lady, may I ask if where are we going exactly? "

Jiyeon looked at the servant walking behind her. They have been walking since this morning and it's pretty understandable if the girl is already tired.

"Are you tired, Chaeha? "

Despite the evidences and the way the servant's chest rises from the long walk they have been through, Chaeha shook her head and gave a heartwarming smile to Jiyeon.

"I'm not, my lady. Please stop worrying about me. "

"Are you hungry then? "

Once again, the servant shook her head. "I'm not, my lady. "

Jiyeon didn't buy it. It's already afternoon and they haven't had their lunch yet. That's why despite not believing the servant's answer, she still nodded her head.

Actually, Jiyeon was supposed to attend a class which her mother prepared for her. It's for the preparation for the upcoming 'ball' since she 'forgot' how to act like a proper lady, according to her family.

And they all believe the it's because she hit her head hard when she fell off the stairs. So now, she was supposed to learn all the basic etiquettes, from how are lady should act and talk.

But since Jiyeon has something more important to do than to learn those thinhs, because as a person coming from the present time, those aren't really necessary and people would even call you, label you something that is very offensive. That's why she ditched it and chose to wander in the city instead.

Jiyeon sighed as she caress her stomach, acting as if she's tired or something. "Good for you, I'm hungry and tired. "

Chaeha's eyes widened, stepping closer to her lady as she started fanning her in panic.

The latter laughed, shaking her head and telling the servant that she was just kidding. After that, they continued walking down the sidewalk but this time, Jiyeon had a direction in mind.

Wandering in the city for a few days, Jiyeon had already memorized some certain places and one of them is the restaurant around the city. Or what they call 'victualling house' in this era.

It's weird and confusing. Living in the past is confusing and really hard, Jiyeon would admit that. The words that people uses in a daily conversation that she barely understood, the way they talk as if all the things that are leaving their mouth are made of poetry, Jiyeon could never. 

And she finds it totally complicated.

She's thankful that Chaeha is not like that. She's just very simple and straight forward, which Jiyeon is so grateful for. She's the kind of a person you'll get along with easily and immediately as her personality is something in between funny and cute. She's not complicated unlike the others Jiyeon encountered.

The restaurant Jiyeon and Chaeha chose to have their lunch is not the fancy one. Because first, Jiyeon still has this trouble eating properly and it would be a total embarrassment, a humiliation if they eat in fancy restaurant with her eating habits which she have been called out by her mother a few times already.

Plus she doesn't want to make Chaeha feel uncomfortable around her.

"What would you like to have, my lady? " the servant asked Jiyeon who's now taking off her gloves.

"Anything that has meat in it. " Jiyeon simply answered, sighing in relief when she successful took off those gloves from her hand.

Why is it a must to wear those anyway?

Chaeha nodded, understanding her lady's answer.

"By the way Chaeha, " Jiyeon spoke, stopping the servant from going to the counter. "You should order something for yourself too, alright? "

The servant smiled, bowing to Jiyeon while chanting 'thank yous' before leaving the table.

Jiyeon leaned on the chair she's sitting as her gaze travelled to everyone inside the room. She knew it's impossible to see him there but she's still hoping. She's hopeful.

Hopeful to see him there.

But she didn't.

A sigh of disappointment left her lips. She pouted as her mood dropped.

It's alright if I won't see him today. There's still tomorrow anyway.

Jiyeon never thought, never in her whole existence thought of chasing someone. A man to be exact. But here she is, ditching her lesson, risking her relationship with her mother just to go in the city in hopes to meet him there.

To meet Jungwon there just like what happened few days ago.

Am I that whipped?

She questioned herself.

Of course not! I'm just doing this for the sake of history... Okay, maybe I am, so what? He's the standard anyway.

Despite the insult Jungwon had said her a few days ago, that didn't lessen the admiration Jiyeon has with the man. Instead, she admired him even more because of that. Because of how honest he is and how he say his opinion so freely without caring if he'll get in trouble or what.

Jiyeon bit her lip as she gazed on the little glass window of the house. And just like that, her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar man passing by.

Realizing who it was, Jiyeon immediately rises to her feet and left the room, forgetting about Chaeha who's still waiting at the counter and the gloves she left on the table as her sole attention focuses on him alone.

She ran on the sidewalk, following the man who she thought and believes is Jungwon all the while internally cursing the dress that's making her slow. Because it's so uncomfortable to run with those freaking clothes on.

Whenever the man turns to the side, Jiyeon always follows, not caring to her surroundings.

That's why it is not a surprise when Jiyeon almost stumbled because of the scattered bricks on the middle of her way.

She cussed, pulling up her dress once again to follow the man. But she didn't. Not when there is no one, not even a shadow of the man, in the area.

It's a secluded alleyway, Jiyeon can tell. That's why as soon as it registered to her that she's alone in an unfamiliar place, she immediately get anxious.

She walked and turned to the other side, trying to find a way out or even find the man she was chasing but her attempt was a total failure when it leads her to another secluded part of the area.

She's lost and she didn't know what to do and where to go.

She stopped on her tracks as the nervousness she felt intensifies when she heard voices not that far from her.

And base from the voices, she's certain it's a group of men.

And it's proven when a group of men holding a bottle of liquors suddenly turned to the side, to her direction.

Jiyeon couldn't move. Especially when their eyes fell on her ungloved hands which she instinctively hide behind her back.

"I see a worm coming in the bird's nest, mate. "

And they all laughed as they began walking towards Jiyeon's direction.

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