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Jiyeon stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes examining the details in her hair hair and the accessories that she is wearing.

"You look absolutely stunning, my lady. "

Her gaze going to Chaeha's reflection. She raises her brow in a teasing way.

"You sure? "

The servant smiled, nodding her head while giving Jiyeon a thumbs up, a thing she has learned from the other. "Pretty sure, my lady! "

Jiyeon laughed, shaking her head. Her eyes once again landing on her own reflection.

Truth be told, she's nervous. Nervous because, well, the lessons she had been attending, she must apply them. And she is not sure if she will succeed acting and moving like a 'proper' lady.

But what makes her nervous the most is Jungwon. The history. The things that will happen at the ball.

Jiyeon is certain that the man will attend the event. Because first, it is said that she and him 'met' at the ball. Their story started at that ball. Second, it is written in the history that he attended the ball as it's part of his job as a journalist.

After staring at her reflection for a bit too long, Jiyeon finally leave her room.

"Look how beautiful my daughter is! " The woman who's waiting for her daughter, exclaimed while looking at her daughter adoringly. "I'm sure Lords will fall in line just to have a dance with you. "

Lords.... But I only want to dance with him.

Jiyeon thought. Though she smiled, thanking her mother as they were escorted out of the mansion.

Her father and her brother are already at the place where the event was being held. They left earlier as their presence were needed as soon as possible, especially that the ball is a celebration for them and their business.

It took almost half an hour before the carriage Jiyeon and her mother are riding, came to a halt. Jiyeon's eyes immediately spotted a few people dressed formally outside the venue.

"Come here, Jiyeon. "

Jiyeon nodded and followed her mother to the entrance and inside the hall.

The sight of round tables, decorated with flowers and candles immediately came to her view. And just like what she expected, the hall is full of people.

"Mother, Jiyeon! "

She averted her gaze to her brother who kissed their mother's hand.

"You finally arrived. " Jungsoo added.

"Of course, where is your father? " Mrs. Min asked, eyes roaming inside the hall.

Jiyeon just stood there awkwardly. She didn't know what to do nor what to say. That's why she is quiet while her brother and her mother are conversing.

Soon enough, Jungsoo led them to their table. Jiyeon thanked her brother who pulled her chair for her to sit down.

She roamed her eyes around, in hopes to see a familiar man but to her dismay, she didn't saw him.

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