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"She's alright, just some minor injuries but she's good. Her pulse is normal, same goes to her breathing. I also treat her bruise, just so you know. "

Jungwon did not know how he's holding his breath until those words left the man's lips.

"She'll wake up in no time too, so you two don't have to worry. " the physician added. "Oh and also, tell to that girl inside to stop crying already. "

Both Sunghoon and Jungwon nodded their head before the man took his leave since he still has something to do. Jungwon thanked the man and Sunghoon since, well, according to the man, they don't need to pay for the service since Sunghoon is their friend.

"What now? "

Jungwon looked at Sunghoon then sighed. "We have to wait for her to wake up. "

"Right." The other agreed, nodding his head. "I just hope the Min won't find this out. "

"About that, can you elaborate what you said earlier? " Jungwon asked, facing his friend.

Sunghoon nodded, sitting on the stool in the small room. Jungwon follows.

"If the Min family found out about this, then everyone that was in that room, including you, us, the owner of the coffeehouse, will be doomed. I worked for them personally before and this is not the first time something like this, happened. "

Jungwon's brow furrowed in confusion but he didn't say anything. He just stayed silent and listened to the other speaks.

"Few years back, it's also lady Jiyeon. She was unintentionally got involved with a fight and when the Min family found that out, all people in that place, including those innocent ones who have witnessed it and those people who helped lady Jiyeon, were included to face the punishment. People who were in that scene lost all of their job in an instant, leaving them with no income... Up until now. "

"How are they supposed to be alive then? "

"I'm not sure. " Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders. "But the worst part in that event was lady Jiyeon, getting punished as well since the Min family said she stains their reputation or something. I'm not sure what kind of punishment she got though. "

Jungwon huffed. "That doesn't make sense "

"Yeah, it doesn't to us but it does to them. If there is something the Min prioritise, that's their image. They themselves said that to us so don't write that in newspaper or else we'll all be dead. "

Jungwon didn't know if he should laugh at the joke his friend says at the last of his sentence or be mad because of the information he heard from the other. He's having mixed feelings and it is kind of hard to wrapped those information in his head.

Because first, yes he is aware that the Min is not that good but he kind of worked with them when they became the subject in his job and so far, they treat him right.

Sunghoon must sense his doubt that's why the man tapped his shoulder. "You can ask Chaeha, lady Jiyeon's maid, if you don't believe me. Or you can ask lady Jiyeon herself. "


Gasping was the first thing Jiyeon did once she regained her consciousness. Her mind going blank for a couple of seconds before all those flashbacks she have dreamed, came back simultaneously and it made her head hurt. So much.

Too much that she have the need to cry to lessen the pain.

Those memories she suddenly have is wrecking her mentality. And the fact that it is making her head so much, it's becoming unbearable.

"Lady Min! "

Jiyeon faced her side, meeting those eyes that is looking at her with full of concern.

Those eyes, the same eyes that captivated me before...

A flashback appears in her mind, making her smile despite the pain in her head. She reached her hand to his face, caressing it lightly.

In the garden, that's not our first encounter...

It is not, indeed. Jiyeon now remember everything. Everything that happened to her.

Jungwon, on the other hand, froze from the sudden affection. Though, he immediately backed away, clearing his throat.

"How are you feeling? "

Jiyeon blinked then roamed her eyes inside the room she is in. Her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Where am I? " she asked instead of answering.

Jungwon felt shy all of the sudden. "In my place, lady Min. " he whispered, audible enough for the other.

She smiled, the pain in her head subsiding. "Really? "

Just like what Jiyeon did earlier, Jungwon asked a question instead of answering.

"Do you remember what happened at the coffeehouse? "

The girl nodded, shifting her body to adapt a sitting position. Jungwon helped her as she does so.

"Hmm, I do. " she answered then looked around her. "Where is Chaeha? Is she alright? "

"Yeah, she's fine. She's outside, taking a nap. Do you want me to call her? "

Jiyeon immediately shook her head. "No, let her rest. "

Silence followed after that. Neither of them talk as Jungwon is once again thinking of what Sunghoon told him earlier and Jiyeon, well, she's busy admiring the man sitting next to the bed she's on.

A smile appearing in her lips when she thought of that day when they had their first encounter. And no, not that day when Jungwon found her hiding in the garden in front of their house and mistook her as a servant of the Min family.

It's that day when the man helped her from that wild dog when they were still kids.

Though that smile in Jiyeon's lips dropped when a thought and a certain memory entered her mind.

And it's about her parents.

Jiyeon looked at Jungwon who also looked at her, causing their eyes to meet.

Are you worth the risk?

She smiled.

Of course, you are.

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