Chapter 19 The Final Stand

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The Indomonus rex, was part raptor. But by the time you had realized it, it was already too late. Your mouth opened, to scream or cry out the words. But just as you had Owen and Barry had realized it too.

"Owen!" You shouted, screamed, and immediately after flinched. They had all started firing. The noise was almost deafening. (Did he even hear your shout?)

Nothing they did seemed to slow down the indomonus rex, no amount of ammo or fire seemed to even touch her. It was as if she was invincible. All you could do was watch. Watch as she ran away. Now you wish Owen had left you a gun. He was walking father and farther away from the motorcycle and you just sat there like a fly in a spider web. (But you knew he was trying to keep you safe.)

You heard screaming and gunshots. Oh god. Oh god. Your hands were shaking, your body tensed and you knew you had to start the bike. The engine revved, you waited with baited breath. Raptors liked to circle and lure their pray into the kill zone. All around you could be an effort to lure you into the kill zone. But only two people would make you move towards it. You just had to wait for Barry and Owen. That's it you can't wait anymore!

You took off, leaving behind the ingen workers as they scrambled to try and get back to what they thought was safety. You didn't care if they thought you were crazy. You were going to get Barry and Owen.

"No!" That voice sounded familiar. You turned your head, seeing one of the girls clawing at a log, your body froze as the bike stalled. The sight was horrible.

"(Y/N)!" Owen's shout caused you to turn your head along side blue. You quickly turned to look back at her, revving the engine.

Come on Owen. Run.

You pressed your lips together staring her down. You whistled, you wanted her attention, and then sped off towards Owen. You could hear her behind you as Owen raced to line himself up. He knew what you were doing. It only took a second but that's all he needed to jump on and hold tight. You sped up, you're not sure how fast you're going but you knew you needed to pay attention.

"Watch it, she's getting close!" Owen's shout was to be helpful, but it was anything but that in the moment. You could hear blue yip. Her teeth just grazing behind the two of you. Faster you had to be faster and throw her off the trail.

"Lean to the side!" You shouted back taking a sharp turn racing through the jungle. Owen leaned with you feeling the bike slightly bend to the weight as you turned branches breaking beneath the wheels.

You were trying to loose her in the trees. The bike skidded forward, being propelled into the air as the wheels crushed another large branch. The bike swerved just slightly as it made contact with the main road. But you didn't have a second think if you lost her or not. Your goal was to keep pushing forward.

"(Y/N)! Owen!" It sounded like the kids!

You looked up for a moment, seeing zack and gray cheering from the back of the truck on the road with you. It made you smile. Those kids, they were so relieved you both were okay. But you couldn't say anything. You sped up again moving to drive beside the truck rather than behind getting close to the driver side. You had to see Claire. She couldn't take her eyes off the road, and you knew that. You could barely your self.

"Claire!" Your shout had caused her to glance, she was shaking worse than you.
"We have got to get indoors! Just follow us."

She nodded watching as you passed leading the way. Your heart was still pounding. You were so scared. But you can't let yourself be consumed by it not until everyone is safe.

"They didn't tell us that thing was part raptor!" Owen scoffed from behind you shouting so you could hear him behind you.

"We should have known! I wish I had known. I saw it! The files for that thing, months ago before I was sent to work with you. I wish I had looked at them. Maybe we wouldn't be here if I had." You wanted to cry. Feeling tears sting your eyes as you thought back to all those months ago.

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