Chapter 20 A Familiar End

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Lightening flashed outside the window again, the crackling of thunder quickly following behind it and making you jump anxiously at the loud sound. You had to calm your breathing. Your hands shook and your leg bounced.

The person across from you wrote something down on a note pad seeming to be thinking about something, until they looked up towards you.

"And so, you're anxiety and fears were born after this event?" The therapist crinkled their brows in concentration observing you closely. You hesitated. You didn't want to say yes.

"I watched a lot of people die that day. I almost watched owen and Claire die too. I-I don't know what would have happened if-if-" your voice wavered and you leaned forward wanting to hide your face. Pull yourself together. You took a sharp breath and sat up again watching the pen scribbling down against the paper quickly to your reactions.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain anymore, we're almost done for the day. One last thing before you go though." The therapist placed their pen down crossing their legs leaning back.
"Have you tried the exercises I've suggested when you feel your panic attacks coming on?"

You looked away fiddling with your ring on your left hand. You wanted to say yes but you knew that would be a lie. If you didn't have owen with you, you probably would have lost it way sooner.

"I'll take your silence as a no." The therapist sighed removing their glasses from their face.
"(Y/N) I know that what you went through gave you severe PTSD but I'm here to help you. Okay? I'll remind your fiancé about your breathing exercises. The last thing we want to do is prescribe medication okay?"

Your therapist seemed genuinely worried about you, placing their things to the side on the table. You avoided their gaze jumping as thunder rumbled outside again.

"I-I know. It's just hard. It's so hard. I feel like I'm drowning." You looked towards the window picking at your hand.

"You're not alone and you never have to go back." Your therapist glanced towards the wall with a heavy sigh.
"It looks like that's all we've got time for today. I'll walk you outside to your fiancé."

They stood up and you followed after them to the lobby. Owen seemed to be trying to keep himself busy reading a magazine from the side table in the waiting room. His body was tense and you knew he was worried about you from the way his fingers twitched.

"Mr. Grady?" Your therapist walked up to him, wanting his attention. Owen's head shot up looking at the two of you, his body following soon after as he pushed himself from the chair.

"Hey baby." Owen offered you his hand and you took it quickly reuniting back at his side.
"Thank you."

His eyes looked towards your therapist who just nodded and smiled, looking between you two. You kept your head down and followed owen out to the parking lot standing in the shade out of the rain. Owen stopped you to the side and turned around brushing your hair from your face again.

"Hey," his tone was soft, "eyes on me. Don't keep looking away. I want to see those pretty eyes."

He was trying to make you feel better, and honestly it worked. You laughed a little and shook your head slowly looking up towards him. He smiled at you pressing a quick kiss to your lips.

"I'll get the truck you just stay here out of the rain." He kissed your forehead before parting leaving you alone. It's been a few months now. Just you and Owen. Claire hasn't really talked much since what happened. You both keep in touch occasionally though.

As for the boys? Well you hear Zack got his drivers license and gray is making more friends. Everyone was moving on. But you felt stuck in time. You sighed holding your self a bit as you leaned against the pillar watching the rain.

You're not sure why owen proposed, but he said he loves you. No matter what. His girl. You flinched are the thunder again looking down at your engagement ring. It was a good thing. Still you just wished you weren't so uptight.

You looked up watching the gray truck sliding in front of the entrance owen turning to look at you from the drivers side waiting for you to come on. You quickly raced up rushing to get in before the rain got you completely wet.

"Oh god it's so cold!" You laughed shuddering. Living so close the the mountains did make it cold. Owen just chuckled and shrugged looking out towards the road as you buckled up.

"Yeah well, that's what it's like up here in the mountains. You signed up for this." Owen smirked slightly as he drove forward and you just sighed looking at him.

"Yeah, and you signed up for my complaining so I say we're even." You couldn't help but joke. Giving him a teasing gaze as he glanced at you with a chuckle.

"Oh I did, I love it when you complain, especially at me when I don't give you what you want. "Oh owen please! Please let me!-"" Owen was in the process of mimicking your voice in a high pitched fake moan only to be shoved before he could finish that sentence. Your face was bright red.

"Wow! You went there and that hurt." You crossed your arms shaking your head. You wanted to pretend you were okay. You turned your head towards the window letting your face rest. He was laughing, and you knew why. But you didn't really feel much for laughing.

"Hey," Owen reached his hand out trying to untangle your arms from being crossed, "I'm only teasin'."

He squeezed your hand, once, twice, three times. A silent reminder that he loves you. You squeezed it back the same rhythm.

"I know. I just can't help but think about what happened at the park." You kept your eyes glued outside watching as the car crossed over the metal bridge.

"Well that's why we're getting you help. Okay? I don't want you to feel this way anymore baby. No matter what it's you and me together." Owen sounded so serious and you let out a breath leaning towards him resting your head against his shoulder.

"No matter what." You echoed his words back closing your eyes. He was right. It was you and him together no matter what. He's been here by your side since the two of you got off the island. And he didn't want to turn away the moment you started having bad PTSD.

He was here to stay and you knew you weren't getting rid of him easy. That brought you some comfort. To know that no matter what owen was by your side. The car came to a stop, and Owen parked it taking the keys out of the ignition causing you to sit up and open your eyes.

This was home now. A cabin in the middle of a clearing in the woods, though it wasn't fully built yet it was starting to take more shape than it had a few months ago. Owen was working on building you two a life together. You couldn't be happier about that.

You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt stepping out into the rain closing the door and quickly rushing with Owen towards the van laughing a little as the two of you raced.

Maybe you felt like you were still stuck in the past, but little by little everyday you were moving forward. With him. If this was a story you guessed this was a familiar ending for now. But then again, you don't think you'd change anything. Being here with him, is all you could ever ask for.

You just hoped neither of you would ever have to go through that again.

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