Chapter 6 Persistent Offer

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Arriving at work you were quick to flee into owen's office making sure you hadn't missed any important emails while dealing with your friend last night. Just as you sat down at the chair you jumped your phone vibrating in your back pocket making you inhale sharply at first before relaxing as you reached for it to see who was calling.

Please don't be business, please don't be business.

You pleaded in your thoughts as you looked at the caller ID only to let out a sigh of relief as you saw it was Claire calling.

"Hello?" You answered swiftly letting the phone rest between your shoulder and ear while you logged into your account checking your emails quickly.

"(Y/N), you didn't answer my calls last night is everything okay?" Claire sounded panicked and you knew she must be stressed out about her day today. If you remember correctly she's got a lot on her plate.

"Ah! I'm sorry Claire I was busy last night." You huffed through your nose reading over some emails. Growling a bit to your self reading some of the ones sent to you by Hoskins team.


You insulted him childishly in your head turning the chair now to face the desk, now holding your phone up to your ear with your hand.

"Busy? With what? You should of been off work last night when I called. It was only 9:30." Claire didn't sound impressed as she spoke.

"What? No no, don't put that there." Claire sounded like she was talking away from the phone at some one before returning sounding irritated now.

"Sorry I got a new temporary assistant since you've left and she's just...not as helpful as you are." Claire groaned into the phone.

"Don't worry about it Claire, no big deal." You shrugged beginning to sort through some papers that had been placed on the desk probably this morning.

"Anyway, what were you doing last night that made us unable to talk?" Claire cleared her throat changing the subject.

"I was out with Owen and Barry." You summarized quickly reading over some of the words on a paper you had picked up.

"Owen?" Claire muttered under her breath, sounding like she didn't want you to hear her say his name.

"Oh, you were out with Mr. Grady?" She had cleared her throat again, you could almost see her shaking her head.

"Don't worry nothing happened. Well apart from him getting so drunk and I had to take him home." You laughed a bit though you winced at the memory of last night.

Poor Owen.

"You took him home?" There was a passive aggressive tone to Claire's words and you guessed you must of indirectly made her jealous.

"Claire relax," you breathed calmly, "I took him home and got him situated. As his assistant he's my responsibility, and that means catering to what he needs in the moment. That happened to be vomit clean up and some sleep."

"Yeah but (Y/N)-" Claire sounded like she wanted to argue and you quickly cut her off.

"Claire. I promise you nothing happened, I'm not interested in him and I know you still have a "thing" for him, so don't worry."

I mean he's a sweet guy and all but I don't want to be that girl and steal her best friend's man.

You cringed at that thought looking to the side as you just sat there in the chair now. Claire seemed to let out a breath on the other side of the phone like she had been holding it.

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