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With the most deliciously free ice cream I sat at a table with my two idiots listening to one rambling about his new girlfriend. Another perk of having a brother work at a gimmicky ice-cream store was the fact I could get a free treat anytime I wanted! Unfortunately for me it was almost the cause of my demise as I sit here choking on a chocolate chip scoop. "She said kissing is better without teeth" Dustin chirps. I'd accidentally inhaled my spoonful upon hearing this and spluttered until I could breathe again.

"That's yeah that's romantic" Steve stammers.

"Thanks for the help" I growl after recovering from the ordeal.

"What was I supposed to do?" He snaps.

"I don't know get me water?" I quip.

"Can you guys save your bickering for later?" Dustin interupts.

"Jeez little man I know your friends ditched you but there's no need to be cranky" I sass back.

He shoots be 'are you for real?' type look before going on to say "I have something important I need to tell you"

Steve still side-eyeing me nods "okay tell us then"

"I ... Rus...ication" he murmurs something inaudible.


He does the same thing again somehow even harder to understand this time.

"Dude speak up" Steve urges.


"Oh yeah that's what I thought you said" I remark.

"Yeah me too, totally" Steve agrees.

"How are we supposed to help though?"

Dustin sucks in a deep breath already exasperated by us "well I'll need help decoding it"

"What's in it for us?" Steve inquiries as if he needed a reason. I know for a fact he'd do it just to spend time with Dustin even if he won't admit it.

"Think of the glory, the fame, the girls" Dustin exclaims.

"Girls? I like girls" Steve leans in.

Yeah me too.

"Well you can have all the girls you want and more"


The sound of a looping tape has my mind whirling. Russian was a hell of a lot more confusing then I'd thought it would be. They have an entirely different alphabet!

"The music sounds familiar" Steve comments through a mouthful of banana.

"Don't talk with your mouth full you pig!" I snap.

"Why are you listening to the music?" Dustin sighs.

"It's hard to pay attention to the words with that in the background" he retorts ignoring my comment and continuing to speak through chews.

The door slamming open makes me jump in my seat. "Hey my board!" She glares at her scoreboard that had been converted into a translation tracker.

"This is important data okay" Dustin huffs and I give her an apologetic look.

"My data was important" she clicks her tongue in annoyance. "Besides you guys aren't getting anywhere with this Russian translation stuff"

"How- how does she know?" Dustin gasps looking between me and my brother who still has his mouth full.

"I don' know" he mumbles while licking his fingers. Ew.

"Maybe cos you two are loud as hell" I remark with an eyebrow raise.

"Ding, ding, ding! Y/n is like the only smart one out of you dinguses" Robin jokes. The half compliment makes me smirk and I look away.

"So you know about the secret Russian communication?" Dustin questions dumbfounded as if he thought he had genuinely been stealthy.

"Mhm and I want in"


"I'm bored" she shrugs.

"Let her help, we honestly need it" I admit, plus spending time with her would

"I'm fluent in spanish and french! My ears are little geniuses trust me" she smiles and flashes her perfect teeth. The lipstick shade she wore suited her smile so amazingly.

"Fine whatever" Steve groans with a wave of his arms. He'd finally managed to finish his snack and was actually talking without fruit falling from his piehole.


With Robin's help we had actually made a decent amount of progress. I open up the window to inform my brother at the counter "hey, we got our first sentence"

He turns around to quirk a brow at me "okay what is it?"

At that moment I feel someone press up against me. I freeze realizing it was Robin trying to squish herself into view. "The week is long"

Her hair tickles my cheek from the proximity she was at. My heart was beating in my ribcage like a bird trying to get out.

"Kay what does that mean?" Steve questions looking confused.

"We don't know" she admits with a sigh, we'd been at this for who knows how long and gotten almost nowhere. 

Steve simply gives a vacant look before turning back to the counter. "Well he seems excited" I grunt with sarcasm almost drowning my tone.

Robin smiles at my remark before waving me back over to keep working. I didn't even mind getting bossed around by Dustin when the prize was getting to be around her. God her perfume makes the whole room smell like flowers, I wonder what she uses. Is that weird?

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