date night

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"Ah shit I'm gonna be late" I hiss as I push past Steve.

"Calm down" he rolls his eyes "you can borrow my car"

I freeze at this. Steve is letting his little sister use his precious car? Unheard-of.

"For real?" I gawk at him.

"Yeah just don't crash, I know you recently got your license so I'm trusting you"

I dive at him and hug him tight "best brother ever"

"I know now get out there and slay her dead" he winks.

"You're giving me recycled advise?" I feign a gasp. He'd used the exact words last year at Dustin's school dance.

He rolls his eyes for a second time and borderline shoves me out the door "go have fun"


I meet Robin at our agreed location -the arcade. We needed somewhere we could have fun and take out our pent up energy from

"Hi!" Robin bounces up and down on her feet at the arcade entrance.

"Hey Robin" I smile feeling my cheeks heat up.

"What uh, what game do you wanna try out first?" She asks hesitantly. Clearly she was nervous too.

I don't know how to act, openly being on a date with a girl was new to me. Trying to pull myself together I shrug nonchalantly "Dustin tells me dig dug is good"

With that we find ourselves enthralled in video games, cheering over each victory. "Oh oh oh! Look this one says player Vs player" Robin chirps pointing to another game.

The screen flashes with huge words reading 'player 1 choose your character'

"Do you wanna be player one or two?" I ask Robin as she stares at the joysticks and buttons.

"Uh, I'll be second" she mumbles seemingly intimidated by the amount of controls the game has.

I hum in acknowledgment as I flick the joystick through the different options. Eventually I settle on a pink haired ninja girl completely ignoring her traits, focusing on the fact she looked coolest.

Robin selects a skeleton soldier and the fight begins. I smash buttons as our characters punch and slash at eachother. "I'm so gonna beat you" I declare throwing a combo at her.

"Hey no fair I don't even know what I'm doing" she complains.

"Neither do I! Just press things" I retort.

"Oh really?" She scoffs reaching over to my side pressing the controls at random, sending my character into what looks like a seizure.

"Hey!" I gasp retaliating by covering her buttons completely. Her fighter falls still as she's unable to do anything and I smirk at her.

We struggle to get control of eachothers joysticks breaking out into a giggle fit. Taking the opportunity I tackle her, tickling her at the waist. She writhes and laughs harder until we both fall to the floor. People are probably watching us but all I can focus on is her.

She smiles at me as we push ourselves back up. The game makes a dramatic buzzer sound "player 1 wins!"

"Hm. I won" I taunt earning a playful shove.

"No I think I did" Robin chimes in with a smirk. Before I can question her or even make a joke about her hitting her head she grabs me.

Her breath tickles my cheek as she slides her hands down my back. Slowly her lips meet mine and she presses a deep kiss to them. Oh, I get it now.

When she pulls back I let out a disappointed breath. She raises a neatly groomed brow at me "we can continue if you want I just figured you might wanna go somewhere... more private"

She casts a meaningful glance behind us and I follow her eyes. Multiple people send looks our way, some curious some disgusted others indifferent.

"Yeah, lets go" I nod chewing my lower lip.

She takes my hand pulling me along, together we climb into my borrowed car switching on the radio. We blast music as we drive through the dark suburban streets. I can't help but smile goofily as I watch her sing along in the rear view mirror.

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