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Blinking my eyes open I hiss from the sting of strong lights burning my irises. I was in an empty concrete room, well empty except for the scary men in communist uniforms.

"Oh good, you're awake" the man in the middle chirps, leaning down to get on eye level.

I noticed my hands were tied behind my back and snarl "let me go!"

"Who do you work for?" The leader asks sternly, ignoring my demand.

"Well I'm unemployed at the moment so-" my quip is cut off by a sharp slap to the cheek.

"Who do you work for?" He repeats.

"Where's Robin?" I question suddenly entering a panic over her missing presence.

"Don't worry, other girl you came in with is still asleep" he chuckles flashing yellow teeth.

"I don't work for anyone! Well she works for scoops ahoy but that's just a gimmicky ice cream store!" I ramble frantically.

The man sighs and slaps me again, my skin stung and was probably bright red by now.

"How did you get here?" He changes up the question since his previous one was getting him nowhere.

"Oh! That's easy" I sass "we came down the elevator"

He smirks, turning to the two guards behind him and they all burst out laughing. I give a nervous smile and dart my gaze around the room.

"We have ourselves a true American comedian" the man barks turning serious again. His chapped lips form a tight scowl as he draws his hand back cracking his palm over my face so hard I black out.


Waking with a thunderous pain in my head and hot burn in my cheeks I groan adjusting to my newer surroundings. "Oww" I whine.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" Robins soft voice seems entirely concerned.

"Mm yeah" I mumble.

"Oh my god are you okay?"

As I come to my senses I notice I'm now bound in a chair and Robin's voice was coming from directly behind my head. We we're tied together.

"Well my face is on fire but yeah I'm okay"

She releases a breath she must have been holding in suspense. "I'm glad" she whispers almost inaudibly.

"Did they hurt you?" I quizz.

"No, no they just tied me to this cold ass chair" she jokes.

"Hey you see that?" I gasp catching sight of a tray of tools just to our left, one of which was a very sharp looking pair of scissors.

"Whe- oh, oh my god okay erm we gotta get those"

"How about we hop on three?" I suggest.

"Yeah okay one"

"Two" I grit my teeth in preparation.


We hop to our left managing to get about an inch closer.

"Great! Great!" I praise feeling hope growing in my chest.

"Again two...three" Robin counts us down before we jump again. Another step closer.

Black Sheep | Robin Buckley Where stories live. Discover now