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"Get up, Leah." I heard my mom sweet voice say. It was just so comforting. I snuggled into my pillow a bit more taking in the warmth.

"Leah." Her voice called out softly as I felt the bed shift as she sat down next to me. "You need to get up or you'll be late for school."

I groaned into the pillow.

"Or we could go to breakfast? I think it would be okay if you miss first period."

I sat up in bed. "That's all you had to say." I told her groggily.

She chuckled and smooth my bed head down. "You definitely got that from me."

"Thanks for the great genes, mom." I said sarcastically.

She pat my cheek. "You're welcome. Get ready."

I nodded and obliged.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and got ready. My hair took the most time as you would think. Too many tangles.

I placed it in a ponytail and grabbed my backpack as I left my room.

My mom was already in the car. I tossed my backpack in the backseat when I sat in the passenger seat. I had texted Kayla to let her know that my mom would be dropping me off.

She drove us to our favorite breakfast place and they had unlimited pancakes and waffles.

Yes you heard me.

Unlimited pancakes and waffles!

You can see why it's our favorite place.

Once seated in a booth the waitress, Julia, poured us two cups of hot coffee.

She knew our order without asking. That's how much of a regular we are.

"Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. Just like always." She smiled.

"You know it." My mom said returning it and took a sip of her coffee. "And you always make the best coffee."

"Only for my best customers." She said giving us a wink before heading over to place our orders.

We started talking about her job and whatever came to mind.

I love spending time with my mom. She works various different hours and sometimes I go a few days without seeing her. So have time like this with her makes up for it.

"So I have something to tell you." She said as I stuffed my face with a piece of pancake.

"What is it?" I asked.

She looked hesitant for a moment.

I stopped chewing.

Don't tell me she's gonna say that one thing.

"So don't freak out. But I'm considering going back to school."

My eyes widen.

"Mom, that's awesome!" I cheered.

"Thanks honey. I've been considering it for a while and well since you're going to graduating soon I thought it was the best time then any." She smiled.

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