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"Ice coffee? Hot coffee? Or Frappuccino?" Jace asked as his eyes scanned the menu in front of us.

We were currently standing at one of the Starbucks in the outdoor mall. The line in front of us wasn't long, there were about two people ahead of us. Eyes from many students from our school were still on us, wondering what is going on between us. I could hear the not so silent whispers behind us.

I agreed to this?

I knew attention came with the job. I'll just have to get use to it.

"Really? Coffee?" I asked in annoyed tone. I would have much rather been home drowning myself in cookie dough ice cream while catching up on the latest season of Supernatural . But no, instead I'm standing in the middle of the one place I dread with the Jace Emerson while everyone around us make their assumptions on our status.

Jace glanced down at me with amusement etched onto his face. He knew how much I was loathing the attention and he was enjoying my agony. "Yes, coffee." He leaned down to my ear level. "I'm not thrilled about this situation either, but I'm doing you a favor. Try and make the best of it."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, yeah, I know he is doing me a favor and I'm being bitter at the moment, but its not like he's not getting anything out of this. This thing between us is nothing more than a  game to him. And he has all his money on me.

I should claim his car as my prize when I win. Yeah, I'll do that.

I have to say, having something to work towards heightened my motivation to the sky.

Once at the counter, I ordered a medium white chocolate mocha latte. It is literally my holy grail, I could literally drink buckets of it. If you've never tried it, you must be living under a rock. It's like a gift sent from the gods. Don't try me on this.

Jace didn't order anything saying he didn't get why there's all this different flavor. Oh, just you wait. Once you find yourself in a the Starbucks rabbit hole, there is no way to get out. Just as I was going to hand the cash over to pay, Jace had beat me to it.

"Uh, thanks." I said awkwardly with the cash still in my hand.

"What are boyfriends for?" He asked sending a wink my way as he picked up my drink and handed it to me. I think he enjoys saying the word 'boyfriend' too much.

We walked through the outdoor mall side by side, our shoulders brushing against each other every once in awhile. Jace took my arm and looped it into his. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but then I realized the eyes that surrounded us. Without thought, my hand found its way and rested on his bicep. And wow. I was over taken with shock with how strong his muscles were.

I took a sip of my drink and almost moaned in delight as soon as the hot liquid touched my tongue. It's that good, like I said don't try me on this. Jace must have saw my reaction and snagged the cup out of my hand.

"Hey!" I yelled as my lifeline was taken away from me. Jace ignored my protest and my constant grabs for the cup. He took a sip of the drink and his eyes widened. He took another sip and another and another. "Hey! No fair, you didn't want anything." I whined. "Don't drink it all!"

He has gone down the Starbucks rabbit hole!

He finally handed me back my cup with half of the delicious liquid gone causing me to glare at him. "Now, if your lips tasted like that all the time, I wouldn't mind kissing you."

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