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You know that feeling you get where you just want to run and hide behind a bush when you sense drama, but still peer over the bush because your a nosy person?

Well, that's me at this very moment. But instead of being behind the comfort and safety of the bush, I was stuck between two alpha males and this time the drama was my own.

How did we even get here?

Not a word was being uttered or inch of movement. Just an intense stare down, each waiting for the other one to make the first move. For one of them to start something.

Now was I gonna let a fight break out here?

I mean I like a good fight more than anyone else, but I was not gonna let it break out here of all places. In front of everyone.

What if one of them gets pushed into the fire?

I would have a roasted best friend or a roasted..

Wait, what is Jace?

A friend? My boyfriend?

We never established a title for this 'relationship'. We just agreed and went our separate ways. No rules, everything was fair game at this point. Only thing was to convince the one person we were trying to deceive. I know I asked him to be my fake boyfriend, but he never actually agreed to putting a name on this. So, what are we? Who do I introduce him as if I was asked?

Just Jace?

You really pick the right time to think about these things.

Not the time, Leah!

My conscious was right, I'll figure that out later. So I pushed that thought to far back of my mind. Now for the matter at hand. I turned my attention back to the two guys standing before me.

"Guys." I said trying to get their attention, but no avail. "Guys." I tried again louder and failed.

"Guys." I gritted out putting my hands on each of their chest pushing them apart and away from each other. Trust me it was a lot harder than I expected. Too much muscle, but I succeeded barely.

But is that something I should really complain about?

I was only able to move them a few inches apart. I stepped directly between the two trying to block them from one another, with their towering heights of six feet and over and my short stature of five feet five didn't do much.

"Nate." I called out trying to at least grab his attention it. His harden dark blue eyes landed on my own brown ones and soften slightly. "I promise we'll talk, but this is not the place for it."

Nate nodded after a moment of thought. "I know." He finally said. "But we need to talk soon."

"We will." I told him. "Soon." I just needed him to walk away from this. The tension was too high right now.

"Fine, I'll wait for you." He said taking a step forward and planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I felt like his words held some kind of double meaning to them. Was I reading into them more than I should have?

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