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The last time I fell for someone
That love lasted for over a year
It was awful, he wasn't good
He put me through hell, I didn't want to be here

He left with no goodbye
And it hurt for a little while
But I was able to move on
And forget his face

Now I fell for another
And this love has lasted for months
He is amazing and a very good friend
This love didn't hurt like the other

But he doesn't feel the same, and that's okay
I'm trying to get over him everyday
And even though things sometimes fade
It's hard when I see him everyday

His face brings back memories
And all those feelings
Deep down I still love him
And it hurts sometimes

But I don't want anything to change
I still love him as a friend
And our friendship is important to me
He means everything to me

It's just, how do I move on from someone I always see?
Who's eyes bring me back and his smile is filled with memories
Those heartwarming feelings and the feeling of home every morning
How do I move on from that?

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