My Safe Haven

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Like a feather floating in the wind
I didn't know I would fall so softly
On to a doorstep that was so welcoming
It took me awhile to believe

To then speak out loud
Establish profound bonds
A house was built, blocking the wind
A place created to feel safe and warm

Each person gave me laughter
A reason to open my eyes
People that gave a place to belong
No judgement, criticism, or lies to be told

Like flowers in the spring
Blooming to create immense beauty
That's what I finally see
After meeting each and every one of you

A lot of meaning and deep love
I appreciate you all
A reason to stay, a reason to care
Reasons why I'm still here

Thank you for showing me light
Showing me that happiness still exists
And I'm not alone in this world
You saved me from the wind

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